Music from the Earliest Notations to the Sixteenth Century

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
ancient music   theory  and,     799 –800
Byrd and, 679
classicism and, 615 , 717 , 720 , 730 , 780
Clemens and, 593 –94
English church music as untouched by, 613
extroversive semiotics and, 643
Josquin and, 547 , 551 –54, 566 , 570 , 572 , 578 –79, 581 , 584 , 687
Lasso and, 720
literary music and, 723 , 724 , 725
occultism and, 615 –16
Palestrina and, 641 , 642 , 647
Parisian chanson and, 708
printing industry and, 754
Protestant Reformation and, 753

humor, musical. See joke, musical

humorous drama. See opera buffa

humors, theory of, 71

Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester, 421

Hundred Years War, 408 , 421 , 422


as  caccia  subject,     364 ,   365
onomatopoetic sounds of, 711

hurdy-gurdy, 805

Hurrian cult song, 31 , 32

Hus, Jan, 753

hymns and hymnody,

Ambrosian   stanza,  49
Augustine definition of, 11
Babylonian, 31
Byrd and, 686
Byzantine church and, 33 –34, 48
Christmas carols as, 420
Delphic, 32
by Du Fay, 444 –46
early Greek Christian, 33
English, 439 –40, 673 –74
Frankish, 41 –43, 47 –49, 50 –86
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