A History of Modern Europe - From the Renaissance to the Present
A-50 Index
Flaubert, Gustave, 801
Flemish Bloc, 1224, 1225
Fleurs du Mai, Les (The Flowers of Evil;
Baudelaire), 799
FLN (National Liberation Front; Algeria),
1166, 1168-70
Flodden, Battle of (1513), 181
Florence, 24, 29, 33, 43, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50,
51-52, 53-55, 54, 56, 58-59, 64, 67,
73-77, 76, 78
architecture of, 62-63
Florida, 401
Foch, Ferdinand, 921, 922, 923, 967
Fontainebleau, Treaty of (1814), 508
Fontenoy, Battle of (1745), 396, 396, 401
football (soccer), 780, 781
Ford, Henry, 753
Formosa (Taiwan), 719, 840, 1150
Fortuyn, Pirn, 1224
For Whom the Bell Tolls (Hemingway), 1046
Forza Italia, 1184
Fouche, Joseph, 470
Fouquet, Nicholas, 255
Fourier, Charles, 564-65, 565
Four Power Allied Control Council, 1111
Fourteen Points, 921-23, 961, 964
France, modern, 560, 563, 645, 683
agriculture in, 517, 518-19, 527, 751,
alcoholism in, 805-6
Algerian independence from, 1166,
Alsace-Lorraine lost by, 668, 671, 732,
732, 734, 737, 825, 865, 867, 871
Alsace-Lorraine returned to, 909, 922,
American culture mistrusted in, 1143
anarchism in, 793, 795
anticlericalism in, 740
anti-Nazi resistance in, 1073, 1084-85,
Austro-Prussian War and, 666
in Balkan Wars of 1912-1913, 880-81
banking in, 527-28, 727-28
Boer War and, 834
in Bosnian Crisis of 1908, 878-79
Boulanger Affair in, 736-38
Bourbon monarchy restored to, 508-9,
571, 593-94
in Boxer Rebellion, 841
Catholic Church in, 482, 483-85, 484,
543, 593, 594, 596, 726-27, 735,
736, 738, 740-41, 777-78, 777, 792
censorship in, 502, 506, 726, 801,911
Chamber of Deputies of, 593-97, 595, 598
child labor in, 556
cities of, 549, 550, 550, 766, 767, 1142;
see also Paris
civil service in, 772
and Congress of Vienna, 569-76
contraception in, 537
crime and police in, 545-46
in Crimean War, 653, 689, 690, 691, 866
and Danish-Prussian War of 1864, 666,
Dreyfus Affair in, 738-40
early economic conditions in, 618, 638,
726, 727-28, 749
education in, 495, 542-43, 639, 727, 736,
774-75, 1124
1830 revolution, 550, 594-98, 605, 614
1848 revolution and, 614-19, 616, 625,
626-28, 637
ethnic conflict in, 1188
in European organizations, 1107, 1115,
1123, 1226, 1227, 1228, 1230, 1231
existentialism in, 1137
fall of (1940), 1061-63
films in, 1139
foreign trade of, 728, 870
in Franco-Austrian War, 679, 729
in Franco-Prussian War, 657, 665,
668-70, 669, 685, 727, 731-32, 825,
885, 963, 965
German reunification and, 1200, 1239
German unification and, 664, 667
government administration in, 483, 495,
Great Depression in, 994, 996, 997-98, 999
and Greek uprising of 1821, 591
Industrial Revolution in, 513, 524,
527-29, 528, 554
inter-war economy of, 988-89, 994, 996,
998, 999, 1019
inter-war politics in, 979, 980, 981,
986, 988-89, 993, 1004, 1018-19,
and Iraq invasion, 1236
Italian unification and, 653-56, 662
Jews in, 338, 452, 485, 511, 594, 737-40,
in Kellogg-Briand Pact, 1032
labor unions in, 787, 980, 1006, 1018-19
land ownership in, 518, 534
in League of Nations, 961
liberalism in, 585, 594-96, 612
liberalization of Second Empire in, 728-31
liberal movements countered by, 588
literature of, 541, 799-802, 1136-39
Locarno Treaty signed by, 986, 1033
mass culture in, 1143
mass politics in, 734-41