A History of Modern Europe - From the Renaissance to the Present

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

A-74 Index

Nadar, Felix, 799

Nagasaki bombing (1945), 1101, 1102, 1149

Nagorno-Karabakh, battle of, 1217

Nagy, Imre, 1152-53, 1198

Namur, fall of (1914), 889

Nanking, Treaty of (1842), 836

Naples, 24, 29, 52, 54, 56, 75, 76, 78, 175,

206, 281, 458, 463, 476, 477, 550,


and Congress of Vienna, 575

1848 unrest in, 625

liberal movements in, 588

Napoleonic Wars and, 495, 500

Napoleon, emperor of France (Napoleon

Bonaparte), 433-34, 435, 479-512,

480, 487, 494, 499, 727

abdication of, 508, 510

background of, 480

Bourbon Restoration and, 508-9

Catholic Church and, 482, 483-85, 484,

500, 504

Consulat of, 482-83

Continental System of, 498-500

declining fortunes of, 498-508

defeat of, 506-8, 569, 570, 571

education under, 495

Eighteenth Brumaire, coup d'etat of, 475,


empire built by, 494-98

Enlightenment and, 479

100 days of, 509-10, 575

legacy of, 510-12

military strategy of, 491-94

and National Guard, 481

nobles and notables under, 497

power consolidated by, 482-84

under revolutionary governments, 470,

473, 474,476, 481-82

rise to power of, 479—82

Russian campaign of, 504-5

taxes under, 495

wars of, 486-94, 490, 498-508, 575, 593

Napoleon III, emperor of France (Louis

Napoleon Bonaparte), 597, 617, 654,

662, 685, 696, 725-31, 727, 800,


Austro-Prussian War and, 666

background and description of, 726

coup d'etat of, 640, 641, 725

in Crimean War, 691

Franco-Prussian War and, 668, 731

Italian unification and, 653, 654, 655, 657

liberalization by, 728, 730

Mexican intervention of, 729

as president, 628, 637, 638-40

and rebuilding of Paris, 767-69, 768

Napoleon Bonaparte, Prince, 653, 737

Napoleonic Code (Civil Code of 1804),

495-97, 510-11, 538, 593-94

Narva, Battle of (1700), 276

Narvaez, Ramon, 604

Nash, Paul, 894

Nassau, 667

Nasser, Carnal Abdel, 1164, 1165-66, 1165

Natal, 832, 834, 835, 853

Nathan the Wise (Lessing), 340

National Alliance (Italy), 1 184

National Assembly (Constituent Assembly,

French Revolution), 444, 445, 447,

449, 450-51, 452, 455, 456-58, 481

National Chartist Association (Great

Britain), 610

see also Chartist movement

National Convenant (1638), 213

National Convention (French Revolution),

452, 461-63, 464, 465-66, 467, 470

National Council of Corporations (Italy), 1010

National Council of Resistance (France),


National Democrats (Poland), 717

National Education League, 697

National Fascist Party (Italy), 1006, 1008

National Front (France), 1224

National Front (Great Britain), 1224

National Guard (France), 446, 447, 449, 456,

481, 616, 623, 627, 633, 639, 732,


National Guard (German), 663

national guards, 545

National Health Service (Great Britain), 1126

National Insurance Bill (Great Britain; 1911),



decolonization and, 1106, 1156, 1 160-75,

1 186

in eighteenth century, 343, 345, 410-11

and the fall of communism, I 194-95

French Revolution roots of, 436, 458, 459,


imperialism and, 647, 857—59

in inter-war period, 968—69, 971

Napoleonic Wars and, 492, 498, 500-503,


in nineteenth century, 434, 571, 573, 586,

590-91, 600-605, 612, 646-47,


in post-Communist era, 1216-18

in pre-World War I alliances, 647, 868,


see also communism, fall of; fascism; Na­

tional Socialist Party; Revolutions of

1848; specific countries

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