A History of Modern Europe - From the Renaissance to the Present

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

A-76 Index

Netherlands (continued)

and Treaty of Paris, 571

war of independence of, 111, 126, 132,

138, 148, 150, 153-54, 158, 163,

185, 198-201, 200, 204, 206, 207,

208, 233, 243, 309, 433

and War of the Austrian Succession, 396

in War of the Spanish Succession, 280

in World War 1, 885

in World Warll, 1057, 1061, 1062, 1070,

J079, 1083, 1110

Netherlands, Southern, see Belgium

Neuilly, Treaty of (1919), 967, 972

neurasthenia, 805

Neuve Chapelle, Battle of (1915), 899

New Amsterdam, 225

New Brunswick, 391

New Caledonia, 839

Newcastle, Thomas Pelham-Holles, duke of,

407, 410

New Class, The: An Analysis of the Commu­

nist System (Djilas), 11 54

New Economic Policy (NEP) (Soviet Union;

1921), 952, 1035, 1036

Newfoundland, 225, 281, 391

New France, 143

New Guinea, 1100

New Model Army, 219, 221-22, 224

New Orleans, 389, 401

acadiens/Cajuns in, 400

newspapers and magazines, see printing

Newton, Sir Isaac, 298, 300-302, 300, 303,

305, 307, 308, 309, 31 1, 314, 315,

757, 758

New Wave films, 1139

New York, 196, 225,761

New York Herald, 828

New Zealand, 821,823, 856, 973

Ney, Marshal Michel, 509

Nguyen Tat Thanh (Ho Chi Minh), 973,

1157, 1167

Nice, French annexation of, 617, 625, 653,

655, 668, 729

Nicholas I, tsar of Russia, 593, 603, 614,

634-35, 691, 705, 708

Nicholas II, tsar of Russia, 720, 721,

722-25, 724, 870, 874, 884, 887,

927,929-30, 929, 931

abdication of, 916, 935, 936

execution of, 947-48

Russian Revolution and, 932, 934—35

Nicholas of Cusa, 291

Nietzsche, Friedrich, 807-8, 807, 812, 912,

1005, 1006

Nigeria, 848, 850,855, 1171

Nightingale, Florence, 691—92, 692

Nightwatch (Rembrandt), 238

nihilists, 713-15

Nile, Battle of the (1798), 482

Nineteen Propositions (England; 1642), 217

“Ninety-five Theses or Disputations on the

Power and Efficacy of Indulgences”

(Luther), 93, 93

Nine Years’ War, 181

Nivelle, Robert, 909, 917, 918

Nixon, Richard M., 1159

Nobel Prizes, 756


absolutism and, 245, 246-47

in eighteenth century, 350-52, 424

English monastic lands bought by, 114

in fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, 5,

9-10, 10, 12, 12, 30, 32

hunting rights of, 382, 383

in Italian Renaissance, 49, 55

legal privileges of, 341-42, 343, 350-52,

357, 362, 447, 511,623, 631, 632

in Napoleonic France, 497

number of, 350-51

as officers, 401,491, 503, 577

poorer, 352

private armies of, 32

in Restoration Europe, 577

urban growth and, 377-78

see also specific countries

No Conscription Leaflet No.3 (Strachey), 912

Nogarola, Isotta, 61

nominalism, 87, 92

non-juring priests, in French Revolution,


Normandy invasion (1944), 1086, 1095-97,


North, Frederick, Lord, 415

North Africa, Arabs in, 5

North America, see Americas

North America Act (Great Britain; 1867), 823

North and South (Gaskell), 55 1

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO),

1115, 1116, 1131, 1154, 1178, 1181,


nuclear weapons of, I 138

in post-Communist era, 1239

Yugoslav civil wars and, 1212-13

North Briton (John Wilkes), 412, 413

Northcliffe, Lord, 91 1

Northern Bukovina, 1066

Northern Ireland, religious conflict in,

1187-88, 1187

Northern League (Italy), 1184

Northern Renaissance, 82-84

Northern Rising (I 569), 185

Northern Union, 592

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