Encyclopedia of Themes in Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Index 1207

Jude the Obscure (Hardy) I:98–99, 121;
Julius Caesar (Shakespeare) III:934–938
“June 2001” (Bradbury) I:223–224
Jungle, The (Sinclair) I:121; III:991–994
“Junior Polatkin’s Wild West Show”
(Alexie) I:142
justice I:65–67
Adventures of Tom Sawyer III:1088
Age of Reason III:860
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland I:259
All the Pretty Horses II:741
Almanac of the Dead III:985–986
Anthem III:896
Antigone III:1003–1004
Beggar’s Opera II:482–483
Burger’s Daughter II:494–495
In Cold Blood I:256–257
Divine Comedy I:311–312
Grapes of Wrath III:1014
Hamlet III:922, 924–925
Heart of the Matter II:501
Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl
Inherit the Wind II:699–700
The Jungle III:991
To Kill a Mockingbird II:702–703
Life in the Iron Mills I:319, 320
Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Lonesome Dove II:750, 752–753
Lord Jim I:304
Midsummer Night’s Dream III:950,
North and South II:477–480
Oedipus Rex III:1005
Othello III:957–958
Passage to India II:449
Prince II:728
Rabbit, Run III:1096
“Sinners in the Hands of an Angry
God” I:382–383
Six Characters in Search of an Author
Small Place II:654–655
suffering I:110
Tartuffe II:783–784
Tom Jones II:436–437
Trifles II:488, 490–491
Kafka, Franz I:60, 94–95; II:636–640
Kant, Immanuel I:28, 29; III:862
Kazan, Elia III:1152, 1154, 1158
Keats, John I:70; II:640–642;
Kerouac, Jack II:643–646

Kesey, Ken II:646–649
Kierkegaard, Soren I:2
Killinger, John I:37
Kilmartin, Terence III:891
Kim (Kipling) II:670–673
Kincaid, Jamaica I:27, 52; II:649–656
King, Martin Luther, Jr. I:9; III:1059,
King Lear (Shakespeare) I:86, 98;
Kingsolver, Barbara I:32; II:656–663
Kingston, Maxine Hong II:663–670
Kiowa Indians II:789–792
Kipling, Rudyard I:84–85; II:670–673
Kite Runner, The (Hosseini) I:102
kitsch II:683
“Knight’s Tale, The” (Chaucer) I:272, 273
Knowles, John I:86, 100; II:673–676
Kosinski, Jerzy II:676–680
Krakauer, Jon I:14
Kristallnacht II:500, 501
Kübler-Ross, Elisabeth I:43
Kundera, Milan II:680–683
Kureishi, Hanif II:683–688
Kushner, Tony I:52, 57, 68; II:688–691
“Lake Isle of Innisfree, The” (Yeats)
“Lamb, The” (Blake) I:217
Landman, Janet I:87
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
House Made of Dawn II:787
Nineteen Eighty-Four III:855
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Turn of the Screw II:620, 622
Latin America II:473–477
“Law of Acceleration, A” (Adams) I:133
Lawrence, D. H. I:99; II:691–698
Lawrence, Jerome II:698–701
leadership II:466, 468, 469
Leary, Mark I:89, 90
Leatherstocking Tales (Cooper) I:75; II:712
Leaves of Grass (Whitman) I:75;
Lee, Harper II:701–704
Lee, Robert E. (playwright) II:698–701
legends II:790, 791
Leibniz, Gottfried III:1103
Leopold, Aldo I:75
Lessing, Doris II:704–707
Lesson before Dying, A (Gaines)
Levinas, Emmanuel I:29

Lewis, C. S. I:43, 65; II:707–711
Lewis, R. W. B. I:14–15, 74
Lewis, Sinclair II:711–715
liberalism III:981, 1077
libertarianism I:66
life, stages of. See stages of life
Life and Times of Michael K, The (Coetzee)
Life in the Iron Mills (Davis) I:318–321
“Ligeia” (Poe) I:80
“Lighthouse, The” (Woolf ) III:1174
Light in August (Faulkner) I:101–102;
Lincoln, Abraham III:1035, 1134
Linden Hills (Naylor) III:828
“Lines Composed a Few Miles above
Tintern Abbey” (Wordsworth) I:70;
Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, The
(Lewis) I:65; II:707–711
“Little Boy Lost, The” (Blake) I:218, 219
“Little Cloud, A” ( Joyce) II:628–630
“Little Miracles Kept Promises”
(Cisneros) I:291
Little Women (Alcott) I:137–141
family I:31
illness I:56
parenthood I:80
success I:109
Liuzza, Roy I:165
“Lives of the Dead, The” (O’Brien)
Locke, John I:22, 35–36, 58
Lodge, David I:153
Lolita (Nabokov) III:815–818
London, Jack I:75; II:715–721
Bingo Palace I:411
Heart Is a Lonely Hunter II:743–744
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
Martian Chronicles I:223, 224
“Tell-Tale Heart” III:881
Trifles II:489, 491
“Loneliness” (Sherwood) I:158
Lonely Patient, The (Stein) I:56
Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistf ight in
Heaven, The (Alexie) I:9–10, 141–144
Lonesome Dove (McMurtry) II:749–753
Long Day’s Journey into Night (O’Neill)
I:31, 57; III:846–850
Lord Jim (Conrad) I:301–304
Lord of the Flies (Golding) II:491–494
individual and society I:59
love I:67
parenthood I:81
science and technology I:97
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