Reading Comprehension Skills & Strategies - Level 4

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Na m e : _______________________________________ _____________________



Read the question. Put a checkmark (✔) next to any answer that is correct.
There may be more than one correct answer.

This will only be a cinch if you make a picture
in your mind of the two objects.

  1. How are a hamburger and a hotdog alike?
    a. They are both meat. b. They are both the same shape.
    c. They are both sweet. d. They are both eaten on a bun.

  2. How are a tree and a bush alike?
    a. They are the same size. b. They both have leaves.
    c. They are both plants. d. They both have roots.

  3. How are a boat and a raft alike?
    a. They carry people. b. They both use gas.
    c. They both are flat. d. They are watercraft.

  4. How are gelatin and pudding alike?
    a. They are both sweet. b. They are both soft.
    c. They are both clear. d. They are both foods.

  5. How are a ring and a glove alike?
    a. They are both jewelry. b. They are the same size.
    c. They are both clothing. d. They are worn on your hands.

Write two ways a tent and trailer are alike.
Then write two ways they are different.





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