An American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
INDEX ★ A-91

Christian Right, 1058, 1065
see also religious right
Chrysler, 784, 947
Chu, Judy, 671
Church, Frank (1924–1984), 1042
church and state, separation of, 801, 1023
Church Committee, 1043
Churchill, Winston (1871–1947), 809, 867,
900, 901, 901 , 902, 909, 958
World War II strategy of, 871
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,
see Mormons
Church of Latter-Day Saints, see Mormons
CIA, see Central Intelligence Agency
cigarettes, marketing to women of, 788, 789
CIO, see Congress of Industrial
Citibank, 1133
Citigroup, 1084, 1134
Citizens Alliance, 831
Citizens Committee, 664–65
citizenship, 582, 583, 586, 590, 665,
684–86, 849
of African-Americans, 590, 805, 821
of Asian-Americans, 587
Chinese immigrants and, 672
economic, 724
expansion of, 803
Fourteenth Amendment and, 587, 588
Hawaii and, 686
Native Americans and, 625–26
Puerto Rico and, 686, 761
second-class, see segregation
social, 1003
voting rights and, 718
welfare state and, 724
Citizens United v. Federal Elections Com-
mission, 1150
“City Slave Girls” (Cusack), 612
City University of New York, 1047
Civil and Political Rights, 922
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), 825,
846, 850, 876
Civil Liberties Bureau, see American Civil
Liberties Union (ACLU)
Civil Rights Act (1875), 598, 664
Civil Rights Act (1964), 988, 992, 994, 1015
civil rights and liberties, 752, 754–55, 771,
795–99, 816, 851, 855, 897, 907,
934–38, 968–79, 1021–22, 1052,
1059, 1065, 1097–98, 1117–20, 1144
Adlai Stevenson and, 935
A. Mitchell Palmer and, 771

population of, 606
race riot in, 766
Chicago Freedom Movement, 1000
Chicago Times, 611–12
Chicago Tribune, 802
Chicanos, 1018–19
culture of, 887
see also Latinos
child labor, 695, 696 , 717, 718, 719, 720,
731, 788, 791, 794, 844
Children’s Bureau, 720
Chile, 795, 1038, 1066
China, 616, 683, 772, 865, 898, 914, 1006,
1032, 1038, 1092, 1097, 1128, 1153,
Burlingame Treat and, 587
Iran and, 1146
Iraq War and, 1116
jobs exported to, 1120
Korean War and, 914–16
Lend-Lease and, 868
loss of U.S. jobs to, 1120
market reforms in, 1071
rise of communists in, 914
Tiananmen Square protest in, 604, 1071
in U.N., 902
Chinese, Chinese immigrants, 578, 578 ,
587, 614, 617, 623, 666, 670–72, 689,
696, 697, 758, 924
in Hawaii, 680
in IWW, 707
population of, 620
World War II and, 890
see also Asian immigrants
Chinese Exclusion Act (1882), 670, 671
chlorofluorocarbons, 980
Choate, J. H. (1848–1902), 628
Christian Coalition, 1100
Christianity, 643–44, 781, 956, 976, 993,
1053–54, 1086
“Christian lobby” and, 643
“Christian patriots” and, 1101
evangelical, 1056
Filipinos and, 684
fundamentalism and, 799–801, 1053–54
imperialism and, 678, 679
media and, 834–35
modernism in, 800–801
Native Americans and, 624
and Republican Party (modern), 1031, 1100
in 2012 election and campaign, 1148
see also specific denominations
“Christian lobby,” 643

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