An American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
INDEX ★ A-93

Columbine High School, 1152
Columbus, N.Mex., 742
Comanches, 621, 624
Commager, Henry Steele (1902–1998), 933
Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 848
Commission on Civil Rights, 925
Commission on Immigration, 934
Commission on Industrial Relations, 695, 709
Committee on Public Information (CPI),
748, 758, 786
Commoner, Barry, 1060
communism, 586, 587, 588, 728, 794, 798,
802, 830, 852–53, 866, 867, 901, 907,
909, 910, 911, 913 , 914, 919, 923,
928, 963, 964, 989–90, 995, 1020,
1025, 1037–38, 1040, 1047, 1049,
1050, 1066, 1079
capitalism vs., 963
in China, 914
civil rights movement and, 991
collapse of, 1072, 1081
crusade against, 927–28, 932 , 953–54,
953 , 956, 1005, 1021
flag of, 753
Henry Wallace and, 926
immigration and, 997
refugees from, 928
rise of, 745
in Soviet Union, 941
Truman Doctrine and, 911
in Vietnam, 1006
women and, 949
Communist Labor Party, 798
Communist Party, 813, 814 , 833, 852–53, 854,
856, 892, 926, 929–30, 932, 962, 1003
in China, 1072
Communist Party Congress, 962
company unions, 787
“Composite Nation” (Douglass), 587
computers, 874, 928, 1082–83, 1086, 1120
see also Internet
concentration camps, 865, 873, 885
see also Japanese immigrants, Japanese
Americans, World War II internment of
Confederate States of America, 621, 645
Conference on Home Building and Home
Ownership, 828
Congregationalists, 679
Congress, U.S., 631, 681, 756, 824, 838,
882, 883, 958, 1035, 1043, 1047,
1118, 1127–28
acquisition of Hawaii and, 680
African-Americans in, 662

Coldplay, 1133
Cold War, 748, 902, 905–39, 913 , 955,
1005, 1008, 1014, 1038, 1042, 1050,
1051–52, 1067 , 1113, 1119, 1145,
1146, 1153
Beats and, 968
Berlin blockade in, 912–13
big business and, 954
Carter and, 1050
consumerism and, 940–42
cultural, 918–19
Eisenhower and, 961–62
end of, 1071, 1073, 1075 , 1079, 1086
end of ideology and, 952
family life and, 949–50
freedom and, 916, 917–22, 928, 932 ,
952, 965
free enterprise and, 959, 965
highways and, 927, 960
human rights and, 920–22
Iran and, 908–9
JFK and, 989
Khrushchev and, 962
Korean War and, 914–16
and Middle East oil, 909, 910
“missile gap,” 979
national exhibitions and, 940–42
in 1960 election, 979
organized labor and, 934
origins of, 908–17
political debate and, 965–66
Reagan and, 1065–66, 1068
religion and, 953–54
September 11 attacks and, 1106
in Third World, 962–63
Colfax, La., massacre in, 596, 598
Colfax, Schuyler (1823–1885), 630
collective bargaining, 707
Collier, John (1789–1883), 848
Colombia, 738, 738
drug trade in, 1145
decolonization and, 917, 963
international, 677–78
Colorado, 722, 827, 1135, 1152
woman suffrage in, 655, 721
Colorado Fuel and Iron Company, 708
Colored Farmers’ Alliance, 654
see also Farmers’ Alliance
Colossus of Rhodes, 604
Columbia River, 818–21, 848
Columbia University, 796, 815, 823, 828,
1025, 1039

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