An American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

A-100 ★ INDEX

Feminist Alliance, 712
FEPC, see Fair Employment Practices
Ferguson, Miriam “Ma,” 722
Ferguson, Mo., 1143, 1143 , 1144
Ferraro, Geraldine (1935–), 1064, 1064
FHA, see Federal Housing Administration
Fields, J. D., 652
Fifteenth Amendment, 585–86, 588, 590,
663, 764, 787, 906
Native Americans and, 626
Fifth Freedom, 878–79
Fight for Freedom rally, 868
Filene, Edward (1860–1937), 702
Filipinos, 683–85, 869, 877, 944
atrocities by U.S. against, 684
Christianity and, 684
immigration quota on, 804–5
see also Philippines
financial crisis of 2008, 1128–32, 1132 ,
Finland, 772
lack of regulation for, 1152
used in mass murders, 1152
Fire Next Time, The (Baldwin), 1003
fireside chats, 839, 868
Firestone, 895, 1063
First Amendment, 796, 797–98, 876, 929,
1022, 1023
Holmes doctrine and, 798
Fisher, Sidney George, 587
Fisher Body Plant, 832
Fishman, Simon, 785
Fisk University, 568, 763
Fitzgerald, F. Scott (1896–1940), 797
Flag Day, 680
flappers, 781, 788
Flint, Michigan, 812, 832
Florida, 811, 924, 1135, 1140, 1143
BP oil spill and, 1137
in election of 2000, 1103–4, 1104
lynchings in, 796
Noriega in, 1073
Supreme Court of, 1104
Flushing, N.Y., 1087
FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) (1966),
Fong Yue Ting v. United States, 672
Food Administration, 747, 752
food stamps, 998, 1032, 1065, 1099, 1139
Foraker Act (1900), 686
Forbes, Charles (1880–1954), 791

FDIC, see Federal Deposit Insurance
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 771,
907, 932–33, 991, 1002, 1042–44,
Federal Communications Commission
(FCC), 829
Federal Dance Project, 836
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
(FDIC), 824
Federal Emergency Management Agency
(FEMA), 1122
Federal Emergency Relief Administration,
Federal Home Loan Bank System, 815
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation
(Freddie Mac), 1134
Federal Housing Administration (FHA), 829,
Federal Land Policy Management Act,
Federal Music Project, 836, 853
Federal National Mortgage Association
(Fannie Mae), 1134
Federal Reserve Bank, 1128, 1129,
Federal Reserve Board, 790
Federal Reserve System, 732, 1048
Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Cor-
poration, 1064
Federal Theater Project, 836, 858
Federal Trade Commission, 732, 790
Federated Trades of the Pacific Coast, 641
Felton, Rebecca, 762
FEMA, see Federal Emergency Manage-
ment Agency
Feminine Mystique, The (Friedan), 1014–15
feminism, 801, 933, 950, 984, 1014–16,
1016 , 1076, 1102
African-Americans and, 787
Hillary Clinton and, 1102
Ku Klux Klan and, 803
Latino activism vs., 1019
in middle class, 1015
new, 712
radical, 1017
reproductive rights and, 1017, 1024,
second wave of, 1010–11, 1014,
1026–27, 1054
World War I and, 743
see also gender relations; women; wom-
en’s rights

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