An American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
INDEX ★ A-109

Jackson State University, 1039
Jacobs, Jane, 1004
Jamaica, 808
Japan, 683, 761, 768, 772–73, 774,
775, 795, 804, 866, 869, 870 , 874,
898–900, 902, 914, 916, 1043–44,
1134, 1152
as Axis power, 867
economic reconstruction of, 912
expulsion from Vietnam of, 964
immigrants from, 617, 697
invasion of Manchuria by, 865
trade with, 866, 868
U.S. declaration of war against, 869
U.S. oil and, 866, 868
in World War I, 742
in World War II, 867, 877–78, 878 ,
890–93, 895, 898–900
World War II surrender of, 899
Japanese immigrants, Japanese-Ameri-
cans, 890–93, 1092, 1118
in Hawaii, 680
World War II internment of, 863, 891–93,
891 , 972, 1119
jazz, 808, 918
Jazz Age, 781
Jefferson, Thomas (1743–1826), 652, 756,
Jeffersonian, 753
Jehovah’s Witnesses, 877
Jesus, 657, 669, 786, 830
Jesus People, 1013
Jews, 664, 706, 755, 758, 774, 799, 803,
806, 834, 841, 885, 903, 930, 953,
1086, 1103
Book of Exodus and, 661
in FDR administration, 852
in flight from Russia, 698
in Hollywood, 853, 885
Holocaust and, 873, 885
Ku Klux Klan and, 803
lynching of, 803
in Nazi Germany, 822, 865
prejudice against, 806, 807
on television, 947
World War I and, 743
see also anti-Semitism
Jim Crow, 906, 969, 974, 977, 988, 1022,
Jobs, Steve (1955–2011), 1083
Johnson, Andrew (1808–1875), 576, 1103
background of, 579
emancipation and, 579

Iraq War, 748, 1114–17, 1120, 1127, 1128,
casualties in, 1144–45
Obama and end of, 1144
Ireland, 616, 774, 776
Irish, Irish immigrants, 631, 646, 669, 701,
743, 805
integration and, 1035
World War II and, 866
Irish Free State, 775
“iron curtain,” 909
iron industry, 618, 660
Ironworkers’ Noontime, The (Anshutz), 637
Iroquois, in World War II, 887–90
Isato, Sono, 892
ISIS (Islamic State), 1115 , 1146–47
in America today, 1125
and fundamentalism, 1086, 1112, 1114
Gulf War and, 1074
Iran and, 1050–52
Middle East, 1066
Nation of, 1001
Obama’s speech to repair relations with,
radicals and, 965
Saudi Arabia and, 1001, 1106
isolationism, 794–95, 866, 908, 957
Israel, 964, 1044, 1050, 1066, 1079, 1086,
1106, 1114, 1117 , 1153
issei, 890
“Is This the End?” (Freeman), 1112
Italians, Italian-Americans, 696, 697,
698–99, 755, 779–80, 852
in East Harlem, 952
in Hollywood, 853
World War II and, 866, 885–86, 890
Italy, 616, 795, 890, 919, 1026, 1151
as Axis power, 867
communist party in, 911
immigrants from, 669
liberation of, 871
rise of Mussolini in, 865
Venezuela and, 739
It Can’t Happen Here (Lewis), 836
“It’s Fun to be Free,” 868
Ivory soap, 607
IWW, see Industrial Workers of the World

Jackson, Andrew (1767–1845), veto power
and, 582
Jackson, Blyden (1910–2000), 668
Jackson, Robert H. (1892–1954), 892

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