An American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
INDEX ★ A-119

Nigeria, 917, 963, 1094
Nineteenth Amendment, 751
nisei, 890
Nixon, E. D. (1899–1987), 974
Nixon, Pat (1912–1993), 980
Nixon, Richard (1913–1994), 929, 1021,
1031–43, 1053, 1056, 1057, 1066,
1078, 1136
African-Americans and, 1033–34
in China, 1038
in debates with JFK, 980, 1105
détente and, 1037–38, 1047
in election of 1968, 1027
in Moscow, 941–42, 942 , 1015
New Federalism of, 1032
in 1952 campaign, 957
in 1960 campaign, 979–80, 1030
pardoned by Ford, 1047
Pentagon Papers and, 1041
resignation of, 1042–43
Supreme Court and, 1033
Vietnam War and, 1039–41
Watergate scandal and, 1041–42
welfare and, 1032, 1033
Nixon administration, 1027, 1031–43
Nkrumah, Kwame (1909–1972), 898, 963
Nobel Peace Prize, 737
Nobel Prize, 749
nonaggression pact, 867
Noriega, Manuel Antonio (1934–), 1073
Normandy, France, 871
Norris, George T. (1861–1944), 790
North, Oliver (1943–), 1066
North Africa, 867, 871
North American Free Trade Agreement
(NAFTA), 1076, 1085, 1086, 1088
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO),
912–13, 916, 957, 1065, 1079–80
Muammar Gadhafi overthrow and, 1145
North Carolina, 924, 1035, 1135
“second Reconstruction” in, 654
textiles in, 660
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical
State University, 983
North Charleston, N.C., 1143
North Dakota, 615
corporate mining in, 618
population of, 694
North Dakota territory, 614
Northern Alliance, 1113
Northern Ireland, 776, 1026
Northern Pacific Railroad, 727
Northern Securities Company, 725

New School for Social Research, 815
New South, 660, 661, 668–69
newspapers, see press
Newsweek, 940
Newtown, Conn., 1152
New York, 716 , 844, 944, 1017, 1018,
1057, 1094, 1140
Al Smith as governor of, 810
homelessness in, 1063
Theodore Roosevelt as governor of, 682
New York, N.Y., 646 , 754 , 758, 788, 800,
814 , 826, 832, 837, 857, 862, 868,
946, 991 , 1017–18, 1082, 1087, 1092,
1097–98, 1106 , 1123 , 1132–33, 1143
African-Americans in, 807
antiwar demonstration in, 1034
Beats in, 967, 968
fiscal crisis in, 1046–47
garment strike in, 692, 707–9, 708
Gay Liberation Day in, 1018
immigration to, 695 , 697, 706
“lyrical left” in, 712
manufacturing in, 606, 692
Occupy Movement in, 1140
Puerto Ricans in, 952
September 11 attacks in, 1105–7, 1106
socialism and, 706
Statue of Liberty in, 603–4
World Trade Center in, 1046
New York City Police Department, 1123
New York Consumers’ League, 823
New York Court of Appeals, 638
New York Journal, 680
New York/Liberty (Stettheimer), 754
New York school (of painting), 918, 919
New York State Committee Against Dis-
crimination in Housing, 935–38
New York Stock Exchange, 813, 1013
explosion at, 771
New York Times, 639, 840, 1040, 1041
New York Times v. Sullivan, 1022
New York Tribune, 597, 770
New York University Law School, 712
New York World, 680
New York Zoological Society, 755
New Zealand, 627
Nez Percés, 621–24
Ngo Dinh Diem (1901–1963), 965, 1006
Nguyen That Thanh, see Ho Chi Minh
Niagara Falls, 764
Nicaragua, 739, 795, 864, 1050, 1066
Nicodemus, Kans., 662
Niebuhr, Reinhold (1892–1971), 787

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