An American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

A-128 ★ INDEX

dismantling of, 971, 973, 978, 996, 1000,
diversity vs., 854
education and, 671–72, 1033–35
federal government and, 988
in federal housing, 850–51
in Greensboro, N.C., 983–84
labor and, 661
laws, 664–66
railroads and, 664–65
reformers and, 763
“separate but equal” principle and, 665,
665 , 971, 972–73
South and, 659–69, 851
in Southwest, 760
in Spanish-American War, 682
suburbia and, 950–53
in U.S. military, 764–65, 893
see also race, racism; South, segrega-
tion in
Seidel, Emil (1864–1947), 706
Selective Service Act (1917), 747
Selma, Ala., 969, 995–96, 996
Senate, U.S., 631, 678, 680, 833, 834 , 837,
902, 971, 1102, 1110, 1118, 1119–20,
African-Americans in, 591
comic book hearings of, 967
and Johnson’s impeachment, 584–85
LBJ in, 992
McCarthy and, 930–31
popular vote and, 718
Smith’s speech in, 931, 936
World War I and, 745
Seneca Falls Convention, 912
Senegal, 978
“separate but equal” principle, 665, 665 ,
971, 972–73
September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks of,
752, 992, 1046, 1105–7, 1106 , 1110,
1111, 1113, 1114, 1117, 1125, 1134,
Cold War and, 1106
Serbia, 742, 1058, 1079 , 1080
Servicemen’s Readjustment Act, 882–83
settlement houses, 719, 730
settler societies, 627–28
Seventeenth Amendment, 718
Seward, William H. (1801–1872), 678
“Seward’s icebox,” 679
Beats and, 967
censorship and, 796, 798

Scandinavian immigrants, 615, 669
Schechter Poultry Company, 829
Schenck, Charles T., 797–98
Schlafly, Phyllis (1924–), 1054
school prayer, 1023
proposed amendment regarding, 1065
schools, public, 1035, 1095
school shootings, 1152
Schultz, George (1920–), 1033
Schurz, Carl (1829–1906), 571, 586
Schwerner, Michael (1939–1964), 993
scientific management, 704
Scopes, John (1900–1970), 801–2
Scopes Trial, 801–2
Scott, Thomas A. (1823–1881), 609
Scott, Winfield (1786–1866), 741
Scottsboro, Ala., trial in, 855, 974
Scowcroft, Brent (1925–), 1115–16
Screen Actors Guild, 1058
SDS, see Students for a Democratic Society
Sea Islands, 573, 592
Special Field Order 15 and, 566
Seale, Bobby (1936–), 1026
Sears, Roebuck & Co., 607
SEATO, 916
Seattle, Wash., 787, 874, 1082, 1089
government contracts and, 943
Ku Klux Klan in, 802
strike in, 769
WTO meeting in, 1080–82
Second Amendment, 1152
Second Emancipation, 765
“second industrial revolution,” see indus-
trial revolution, “second”
Second New Deal, see New Deal, Second
Second Reconstruction, 654, 677
civil rights movement as, 601
Second Vatican Council, social activism
and, 1013
sectionalism, post-Civil War, 654
Securities and Exchange Commission
(SEC), 829, 1133
Security Council, U.N., 902, 914
Sedition Act (1798), 752, 1022, 1119
Sedition Act (1918), 752–53, 797
segregation, 593, 664–66, 689, 761,
762, 764, 850, 877, 885, 886, 889,
894, 895, 896, 907, 925, 928, 935,
950, 969–76, 978, 978 , 986, 1000,
1033–35, 1059, 1092, 1095
Birmingham campaign and, 988
Booker T. Washington on, 673
courts and, 972–76, 977

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