An American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

A-138 ★ INDEX

We Are Barbarians, 749
Weaver, James B. (1833–1912), 631, 655,
Weaver, Richard (1910–1963), 956
Webster, Daniel (1782–1852), 756
Welch, Joseph (1805–1891), 931
welfare, 724, 731, 837, 841, 848, 851, 858,
897, 926, 934, 959, 994, 995, 1053,
1057, 1065, 1076, 1077, 1078, 1099,
1135, 1151
expansion of, 881
Nixon and, 1032, 1033
Reagan and, 1057, 1059, 1065
stigma of, 847–48
“welfare capitalism,” 786
Wells, Ida B. (1862–1931), 667
Wells Fargo Bank, 1132
“We Shall Overcome,” 996
Wesley, Charles H., 889
West, 616, 620, 632, 633, 652, 751 , 862,
863, 875 , 879, 1031, 1056–57
African-Americans in, 850, 893
cattle drives in, 617
economic development of, 826, 828
fundamentalists in, 801
government contracts and, 943
immigrants and, 614, 615
industrial, 619
libertarianism in, 955
New Deal and, 826, 827, 849
People’s Party in, 652
political corruption in, 630
population growth in, 1046
progressivism in, 716–18
as “safety valve,” 613
slavery in, 614
transformation of, 613–29
war production in, 874
West, Wild, myth vs. reality of, 628–29
West Bank, 1079, 1117
West Germany, 959
creation of, 912
West Indies, 808
West Side Story (musical), 952
West Virginia:
coal strike in, 726
in 1960 election, 979
westward expansion of U.S., 606, 615
Weyl, Walter (1873–1919), 704, 761
Wharton, Edith (1862–1937), 612, 712
“What Every Girl Should Know,” 713–14
“What Freedom Means to Us” (Nixon),

war on drugs, 800
War on Poverty, 997–98, 1002, 1019, 1019 ,
War on Terrorism, 1112, 1117–20, 1127,
1146, 1147, 1153
War Powers Act (1973), 1040
War Production Board, 873
Warren, Earl (1891–1974), 972, 973,
1021–22, 1024, 1034
Warren Court, 972, 1021–22, 1027
Warrior, Clyde (1939–1968), 1019
Warsaw Pact, 913
washing machines, 783, 784, 789 , 947
Washington, 819, 820, 844, 1098
woman suffrage in, 717
Washington, Booker T. (1856?-1915),
672–73, 673 , 674, 675, 676, 677, 762,
763, 850
Washington, D.C., 850, 931, 1009, 1010–
11, 1025, 1064, 1094, 1136
march on, 988–89
September 11 attacks on, 1105
Vietnam protests in, 1009
Washington, George (1732–1799), 756,
867, 980
Washington Heights, N.Y., 1087
Washington Naval Arms Conference, 795
Washington Navy Yard, 1152
Washington Post, 1042
WASPs (Women Airforce Service Pilots), in
World War II, 880
Wassaja newspaper, 715
Watch and Ward Committee, 796
conservation of, 728
needs of Los Angeles and San Fran-
cisco, 727
Owens Valley and, 727
“water cure” (waterboarding), 684
Watergate scandal, 1041–42, 1047
Waters, Ethel (1896–1977), 809
Watson, Tom (1854–1934), 654, 664, 753
Watterson, Henry, 678
Watts, Calif., riot in, 1000
Wayne State University, 951
WCTU, see Women’s Christian Temperance
Wealth Against Commonwealth (Lloyd), 611
Wealth of Nations, The (Smith), 1132
weapons of mass destruction, 1113
long-range bombers and, 961
Saddam Hussein and, 1114–15, 1117
tests of, 928 , 991

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