The New Russian Nationalism Imperialism, Ethnicity and Authoritarianism

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
the new russian nationalism

Russian language
for interethnic communication,
as language of the state, 270
and national identity, 13, 33
during the Soviet Union, 43
Russian Liberation Front ‘Pamiat’
(Russkii Front Osvobozheniia
‘Pamiat’), 92
Russian March, 2, 9, 54, 92, 95, 96,
118, 253
Russian National Union (RNS), 30–1
Russian National Unity (RNE), 31,
72, 89, 105–6
Russian (Rossiiskaia) Orthodox
Autonomous Church (ROAC),
Russian (Rossiiskaia) Orthodox
Church (RosOC), 116
Russian Orthodox Church
concept of Russian world (russkii
mir), 110–11, 262–3
as key value, national patriots, 106
moral values and, 291–2
Orthodox nationalists in, 108, 113,
115, 118–20
rejection of ethnic nationalism,
relationship with the state, 108–10,
115, 262–3, 292, 316
role in nation-building strategy,
and Russian identity, 105
television news coverage, 307–8,
313–17, 314–15, 329
universality of Russian civilization,
veneration of the tsar, 114
work with migrants, 110
see also Orthodox nationalism
Russian Orthodox Church Abroad
(ROCA), 116, 117
Russian Public Movement (Russkoe
obshchestvennoe dvizhenie)
(ROD), 79
Russian Spring, 97–8
Russia’s special path, 49, 50, 72,
343–5, 347
Russification, 24, 42, 266

conceptual shift towards (post-
2012), 160–1
understanding of the term, 40,
205–6, 265–6
use by Putin, 160, 206, 259, 271,
Russkie movement, 34, 76, 86, 88,
91–2, 94, 98, 100, 263
cultural element of, 275–6
ethnonationalist concept of, 36
and multi-ethnic Russian
nationalism, 229–30
new boundaries of, 266
public acceptance of russkii-centred
identity, 266–71
Putin’s use of, 19, 259, 275–6
in Russian for Russians slogan,
202, 265–6
usage of term, state-aligned media,
russkii mir (Russian world)
Russian Orthodox Church’s
concept of, 110–11, 262–3
term, 72, 83, 250, 256, 271
russkii narod, 18, 38, 256, 262, 263,
264, 354
see also ethnic Russians

anti-immigrant stance, 127
anti-Islamic orientation, 127–8
as dynamic sector of ethnic
nationalism, 128–9
nationalists in, 124–6
and personal religious practices,
use of Orthodox rhetoric, 126
security forces (siloviki), 349
Sergeev, Sergei, 35, 36–7
Seton-Watson, Hugh, 25
Sevastianov, Aleksandr, 35, 37, 125,
Shafarevich, Igor, 28–9, 36
Shaimiev, Mintimer, 224
Sharafutdinova, Gulnaz, 291
Shenfield, Stephen, 29
Shevchenko, Maksim, 310
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