defining 14–15; definition 2;
democracy 110–12; five
attributes 13; force 21; force
and constraint 22–3; force
definition 14; force and
modernity argument 15–16;
Forsyth 24; fundamentalism
393; further reading 33;
globalisation 29–31; history of
concept 13; Hobbes 24, 29;
identity 31; linguistic and
radical argument 18–19;
market 17; Marxism 17;
mixture of will and force 15;
multinational 265; political
violence 446–7; problems with
argument against 19–23;
question of existence 21;
questions 32; summary 31–2;
Thatcher 12; values and facts
168–9; Weber 2, 14–16, 25,
28, 51
state sovereignty 23–4; problems
with theory 25–6; in unitary
form 13
stateless society 11
stateless world: moving to 27–9
statelessness 21
Steiner, H. 89
Stephen, J.F. 49
Stirner, M.: The Ego and His
Own 241
Strasser, G. 289
Strategic Arms Limitation
Treatises (SALT) 207
Strauss, L.: neo-conservatism in
America 205–7; Persecution
and the Art of Writing 206
Strossen, N. 325
structural violence 448
Suarez, F. 416
Subbrazil 487
Subjection of Women, The(Mill)
sufficiency proviso 86
suffrage: universal 102
Sufism 340
Sweden: prostitution laws 172
syndicalism 244, 245, 286
systemic rationality 415
Tamir, Y. 268
taxation 94–7; summary of
political views 96
taxes: fair 77; land 89; privilege
83; raising 13; wealth
redistribution 2
Taylor, C. 342
Taylor, M. 4
Tebbit, N. 305
terrorism 400; African National
Congress (ANC) 449; political
violence 448–9; von Hippel
456, 457, 464, see also
September 11th terrorist attack
Terrorism and War(Zinn) 460
Terry, R. 390
Thatcher, M. 12 , 123, 203, 212,
449, 501; The Downing Street
Years124; state 12
theories: types 87–8
Theory of Governments and
Parliamentary Government
(Mosca) 287
Theory of Justice, A(Rawls)
78–84, 346, 430–4, 496,
Third International: communist
theses 295
third wave feminism 474
third way 229
Thirty Years War (1618–48)
Thoreau, H.D.: Civil
Disobedience 424
threat advantage 78
Tickner, J. 128
Tierra y Libertad(weekly) 246
Tillich, P. 440
Tocqueville, A. de 102, 103, 104,
113; Democracy in America
toleration: Christianity 174–7;
liberalism 174–8
Tolstoy, L. 248, 254
torture 146
Trade Union Act (1913) 227
trade unions 226; fascism in
Germany 290; fascism in Italy
286; Labour Party (British)
Trotsky, L. 28, 101, 214, 222
tu quoquedefence 404
Tully, J. 345–6
Turner, A. 135–6
Turner, B. 135
Turner, R. 250, 252
Two Concepts of Liberty(Berlin)
Two Concepts of Rules(Rawls)
Two Treatises of Government
(Locke) 102, 120
Tyndall, J. 301
tyranny of majority 104–5
Tyson, L. 313
unanimity 79
unfreedom: inability 38–9
United Kingdom (UK): under-
representation of women
United Nations (UN) 202;
Charter 31; Charter model
111; cultural relativism 207;
Declaration on Social Progress
and Development 368; Security
Council 31; two souls 31; veto
United States of America (USA):
capital punishment 152–3;
Civil Rights Act (1866) 436;
Civil Rights Movement 308,
423, 435–42; Constitution,
First Amendment 36;
Constitution, Eighth
Amendment 152–3;
Declaration of Independence
(1787) 102; Leo Strauss and
neo-conservatism 205–7;
Operation Iraqi Freedom in
Iraq (2003) 1; religious right
fundamentalism 389–91;
slavery 435; socialism 228;
Voting Rights Act (1965)
Universal Declaration of Human
Rights (1948) 401–7; Article
18 - religious toleration 402,
419–20; importance 408–9;
summary of articles 406–7,
see alsohuman rights
Universal Human Rights in
Theory and Practice(Donnelly)
universal nationalism 274
universal suffrage 102
universalism 120, 491; ethical
particularism 271; relativism
410; theory 262
unpatterned theory 88
Index 523