An Introduction to America’s Music

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Alliance and Labor Songster (Vincent),
163 c, 223
Allman, Duane, 469
A llman Brothers Band, 469
All Set (Babbitt), 390
A lmanac Singers, 255c, 358–59
A lmo Records, 540, 539–42
alternative hip-hop, 544
alternative rock, 506, 508, 536–38
Alvarado, Captain Hernando de, 24
amateur music and musicians, 41,
50–52, 108, 164–65, 168, 170,
172, 181, 189, 201, 305; see also
bands; home music making;
societies and organizations
“Amazing Grace” (hymn), 72–73, 73 ,
270, 492, 493
“Amazing Grace” (String Quartet No.
4, Ben Johnston), 492–94
America, Commerce, and Freedom
(Reinagle), 107, 109, 109
America Independent, or The Temple of
Minerva (Hopkinson), 53
Americana, 539–42
American Ballads and Folk Songs
(Lomax), 349
American Band (Providence), 116
American Brass Quintet Brass Band, 117
American Communist Party, 313
American Conservatory of Music
(Chicago), 311
American Federation of Musicians, 309
American Folklore Society, 349
American Indians. See Native
American music
A merican Missionary Association, 224
American Musical Theater: A Considera-
tion (Engel), 407
American Quadrille (Jullien), 122
American Revolution, 205
American roots music, 514–30
American Society of Composers,
Authors, and Publishers
(ASCAP), 233
“Am I a Soldier of the Cross?” (Watts),
92, 93
Amold, Eddy, 427
Amos, Tori, 539
Anatomy of a Murder (fi lm), 300, 500
Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company
(Sousa), 168
“ancient music,” 66–68
Ancient Voices of Children (Cr umb),
447–49, 497
Anderson, Ivie, 301
Anderson, Laurie, 498–99, 499 , 513
Anderson, Marian, 255c, 327–29, 329
Anderson, Wessell, 534
Andreas, Christine, 374
“And the Angels Sing,” 527
Anglican (Episcopal) Church, 25, 26
conversion of blacks, 90
views on dancing, 48
worship services in, 39, 41

Anglo-Celtic music, 49, 267, 270
Angola State Prison (Louisiana), 350
Anita Kerr Singers, 457
“Annie Get Your Gun” (Berlin), 406, 407
answer songs, 419
anthems, 33, 34, 40–41, 69; see also
Antholog y of American Folk Song (Harry
Smith Antholog y) (Folkways
Records), 434, 435
anticommunism, 431
anti-folk movement, 539
A NTIOCH (hymn tune), 77–78
Antony and Cleopatra (Barber), 446
“Anvil” Chorus (Verdi), 166
Anything Goes (Porter), 375
Apache Indians, 515
Apollo Theater (Harlem, New York
City), 377
Appalachian dulcimer, 218
Appalachian music, 217, 218, 266, 359,
415–17, 432
Appalachian Spring (Copland), 255c,
311, 391
Apple Computer, 387c
A&R (artists and repertory), 263,
264, 413
Archive of American Folk Song, 349–55
arena rock, 472–73, 481
Aristocrat-Chess Records, 421
Arlen, Harold, 318, 364, 415
Armstrong, Louis, 112, 170, 254c, 261,
262, 271, 288, 289, 293–98,
295 , 299 , 346, 400, 441,
497, 543
on Beiderbecke, 297
style of, 535
vocal style of, 381
Arne, Thomas Augustine, 59
Arnold, Samuel, 59
Arnold, Tony, 448
Arnspriger, Herman, 348
arrangers, 365
in swing, 45
Arrested Development, 544
Arrow Against Profane and Promiscuous
Dancing, An (Mather), 48
“art music,” 106
Art of Jazz, The (essays), 412
Art of Singing, The (Law), 67
Ascension (Coltrane), 445
Asch, Moses “Moe,” 330, 432
Asher, Tony, 455
Ashley, Clarence, 434
Ashlock, Jesse, 348
Ashmun Institute, 227
Astaire, Adele, 274–75
Astaire, Fred, 250, 255c, 274, 275, 318,
364–66, 365
Athens, Georgia, 508
Atkins, Chet, 457
Atlanta, Georgia, 263, 512
Atlantic Records, 421, 423, 463
atom bomb, 388, 552
atonality, 281, 391, 496, 552

Atteridge, Harold, 235
African American, 177, 257
for bands, 116, 167, 170
for bebop, 396, 397
for blackface minstrelsy, 132–34
for bluegrass, 416
for blues, 257
for Cage’s music, 395
for classical music, 113, 118, 126,
183–85, 189, 305–9
connection with star performers,
112, 122, 129
for dance bands and orchestras,
298, 300–301, 377
edifi cation and, 69, 126, 152
eighteenth century, 55
for folk song, 354
for folk-revival music, 435–39
growth of, 172, 176–77
for jazz, 290, 396, 405
for minstrel shows, 142
for musicals, 406, 407
for new music, 310, 389, 391, 446,
in New Orleans, 286
for opera, 111, 114–15
for operetta, 234
for orchestral concerts, 122, 183
for organ music, 119
reception of African American
performers, 242
for rhythm and blues, 423–24, 430
for rock and roll, 424–25, 429–31
for sacred music, 69
for soul music, 459, 461
for swing, 298
for theater, 58, 109, 144
women, 538
youth, 429–30
audiocassettes, 502
“Auld Lang Syne,” 74, 168
Austin, Texas, 474, 475
authenticity, concept of, 109, 432, 457,
468, 474–77, 539
authorship; see also borrowing
of minstrel songs, 143
Native American view of, 209
autoharp, 268
in Carter Family’s music, 268
Autry, Gene, 344, 345 , 367, 368
avant-garde music, 392–96, 468
A xton, Estelle, 463
Ayler, Albert, 443
Aztec Empire, 21

Babbitt, Milton, 282, 390, 391, 391 , 392,
486, 496
Babes in Arms (Rodgers and Hart), 371
baby boom, 388
Bach, Anna Magdalena, 447
Bach, C. P. E., 107
Bach, Johann Sebastian, 167, 197, 447,
497, 500
Bacharach, Burt, 286

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