An Introduction to America’s Music

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Bitches Brew (Davis), 482, 483
Bizet, Georges, 324
Black, Bill, 427, 428
Black, Brown, and Beige (Ellington),
255 c, 299, 328, 330
Black Album, The (Jay-Z), 548
“Black and Tan Fantasy” (Ellington),
301, 302
Black Angels (Crumb), 447
“Black Bottom Stomp” (Morton), 291–93
Black Crook, The, 231, 235
blackface minstrelsy. See minstrel
Black Flag, 507–8
blacklisting, 431
“Black Patti” (Matilda Sissieretta
Jones), 237
Black Swan Phonograph Company, 324
Blaine, Hal, 452
Blake, Eubie, 324, 325
Blake, William, 497
Blakey, Art, 402, 441, 531
Blavatsky, Helena, 282
blaxploitation, 478–79
Blevins, Ruby (Patsy Montana), 345, 346
“Blind Tom” (Thomas Bethune), 237
Blondie, 473
Blood on the Fields (Marsalis), 533
Blood on the Tracks (Dylan), 474
Blood, Sweat, and Tears, 482
Bloom, Rube, 277
“Blowin’ in the Wind” (Dylan), 436
Blue (Mitchell), 474
bluegrass, 415–17, 432
Blue Grass Boys, 415–16, 416
“Blue Moon” (Rodgers and Hart), 371
blue notes, 257, 259
blues, 239, 256–63, 322, 532; see also
rhythm and blues
amplifi ed instruments in, 439
band arrangements of, 376
in Basie repertoire, 377
country blues, 332–37
in Ellington’s Diminuendo and
Crescendo in Blue, 329
gospel music vs., 337, 338
infl uence on gospel music,
337, 341
infl uence on Guthrie, 355
infl uence on Motown style, 463
infl uence on 1970s rock, 469
infl uence on “W hat Is This Thing
Called Love?”, 381, 383, 384
jazz and, 290, 322, 535
in Marsalis’s “Devotional,” 534
in Rhapsody in Blue, 322
and Still’s Afro-American Symphony
(Still), 325, 326
twelve-bar harmonic progression,
258–59, 287, 329, 461, 462
and zydeco, 521
Blues, The: An Antholog y (Handy), 258
blues chorus, 258–59
Blue Sky Boys, 343
blues progression, 259, 263

blues shouters, 421
“Blue Yodel no. 1 (T for Texas)”
(Rodgers), 271
“Blue Yodel no. 8 (Muleskinner Blues)”
(Rodgers), 271–73, 347, 475
“Blue Yodel no. 9 (Standing on the
Corner)” (Rodgers), 274
blue yodels, 271–73
“Boatmen’s Dance, De” (minstrel
song), 137–39
bobby-soxers, 414
Bob Dylan (LP), 435
Bock, Jerry, 485
Bolcom, William, 446, 496–97
Bolden, Buddy, 298
black performers of, 96
in minstrel shows, 134, 136
Bonner, M. J., 265
Bon Temps Zydeco Band, 523
Boogie Down Productions, 543
boogie-woogie, 337, 421
Booker T. and the MGs, 463
booking agents, 176–77, 249, 377
Book of Psalmes, The: Englished Both in
Prose and Metre (Ainsworth),
Boosey and Hawkes (publishing fi rm),
Bootee, Duke (Ed Fletcher), 510, 511
bootlegging, 545
border blasters (border radio), 341–42
“Born to Be Wild” (Steppenwolf), 506
“Born to Lose,” 419
borrowing; see also quotation
in ballad operas, 59
in band music, 168
in blackface minstrelsy, 135
for broadside ballads, 45, 47
in concert music, 123, 124,
187–89, 210
of dance melodies, 49
for folk hymns, 71–72, 74
for labor songs, 223–24
in opera burlesques, 111
in pasticcios, 59
for popular songs, 152, 156, 221
in tunebooks, 80
Boston, Massachusetts
American composers in,
185–89, 191
bands in, 165–66
blackface minstrelsy in, 134
church choirs in, 32
concerts in, 56, 119–22, 185
dance instruction in, 48
early professional musicians in, 44
Lowell Mason in, 77–80
music education in, 19c; see also
specifi c schools, e.g.: New
England Conservatory
music publishing in, 107
opera in, 112
oratorio performances in, 118–19
piano making in, 146

political unrest in, 34–35
prohibition on theater, 58
public schools in, 78–79
theater in, 60
Boston Academy Chorus, 83
Boston Academy of Music, 19c, 78, 83,
Boston Baroque, 42
Boston Handel and Haydn Society Collec-
tion of Church Music (Mason),
18 c, 77, 78, 79, 118
Boston Massacre, 34
Boston Music Hall, 165
Boston Symphony Orchestra, 162c,
163 c, 254c, 306, 307
performances of American
music, 185, 188, 192, 282,
306, 310
Boston Tabernacle, 173
bottleneck guitar, 333–35
Boulanger, Nadia, 309, 370–71, 389, 391
“boundary crossing,” concept of, 110;
see also crossover
Bound for Glory (Guthrie), 434
Bourgeois, Louis, 27
bourreé, 48
“Bowery, The,” 181
Bowie, David, 485, 506
Bowie, Lester, 535
The Boys from Syracuse (Rodgers and
Hart), 371
Bradbury, William B., 83, 173
Bradley, Owen, 457
Br ad le y, S a nd y, 5 1
Brady, Nicholas, 26
Brando, Marlon, 424, 473
brass bands, 115; see also bands
brass instruments, 115
Braud, Wellman, 302
Brave Buffalo (Lakota singer), 212–15, 213
break dancing, 509
breakdowns, 343
in hip-hop, 509
in jazz, 289
in klezmer, 527, 528
break strain, 168–70, 251, 252
Bress, Hershey, 448
Brewer, Teresa, 427
Bride of Frankenstein (fi lm), 363
bridge, 379, 454, 464
Brigadoon (Lerner and Loewe), 407
Brill Building, 452, 474
Brinkley, “Doctor” John Romulus, 342
Bristol, Tennessee, 254c, 267, 268, 270
Bristol News Bulletin, 267
Bristow, George Frederick, 121, 126
“British Invasion,” 453, 472
broadside ballads, 45–47, 49, 223
topics of, 45
use of dance melodies, 49
Broadside magazine, 432
Broadway musicals, 163c
standards, 274, 318
Brooklyn Philharmonic Society, 183

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