An Introduction to America’s Music

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


mix tapes, 547
Mobile and Ohio Railroad, 351
modal harmony, 310, 370, 527, 528
in “Oye como va,” 469
modal jazz, 443–45
Modern Dancing (Castle and Castle), 250
modernism, 280, 308, 317, 410, 496,
Modern Jazz Quartet, 400, 406
“Modern Missionary Zeal” (parody
song), 224
Modern Records, 421
Mona (Parker), 233
“Money Musk” (Scottish tune), 50, 51
Monk, Meredith, 498
Monk, Thelonious, 400, 531, 535
monophonic singing, 26
Monroe, Bill, 415–16, 416 , 432
Monroe Brothers, 343
“monster concerts,” 122, 165–66
Montana, 515
Montana, Patsy (Ruby Blevins), 345, 346
Montevideo, Uruguay, 129
Montgomery, A labama, 431
Montgomery, Wes, 402, 482
montuno, 405
“Mood Indigo” (Ellington), 299, 303
Moody, Dwight L., 173 , 173–74
Moondog Show, 386c, 424
Moore, Douglas, 391
Moore, Scotty, 427, 428
Moquir Pueblo Indian nation, 21
Moral Majority, 495
Moravians, 39–42, 41
Morehouse College, 227
Morgan, Justin, 64
Mormons, 221
“Morning on the Ranch,” from The Red
Pony Suite (Copland), 368–70
Morris, George Pope, 150–51
Morris, Joan, 496
Morrisette, A lanis, 539
Morton, Ferdinand “Jelly Roll,” 254c,
290–93, 291 , 298
Morton, Thomas, 59
Moten, Bennie, 376, 377
motion pictures, 294, 298, 309
blaxploitation, 478–79
country music in, 342–44
fi lm scores, 187, 300, 361–63,
367–71, 499–502, 550
musicals, 361–71
postmodernist fi lm scores,
motives, 322
Mötley Crue, 506
Motown Records, 386c, 463, 478
Mountain Chief (Blackfoot leader), 212
mountain dulcimer, 218
Mountain Music Bluegrass Style, 432
Mount Pisgah Baptist Church
(Chicago), 341
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 325,
410, 500
orchestral works of, 41, 119, 120, 122

MP3 fi les, 546
MT V (Music Television), 387c, 505–6,
“Muleskinner Blues.” See “Blue Yodel
no. 8”
Murray, A lbert, 397
Murray, Billy, 248
Musical Appreciation Hour (NBC radio
program), 265
musical comedies and revues, 231,
234–38, 246, 294, 324–25; see
also musical theater
Musical Primer, The (Law), 67
musicals, fi lm, 363–66
musical theater, 254c; see also bur-
lesque; musical comedies
and revues; opera; operettas
eighteenth century, 58–60
standards, 274
twentieth century, 275–79,
323–24, 371–75, 406–10,
Music for the Magic Theater (Rochberg),
music masters, 50
Music Television (MT V), 387c, 505–6
music videos, 504–6
Musorgsky, Modest, 193
Mustaine, Dave, 507
My Fair Lady (Lerner and Loewe),
406, 407
“My Favorite Things” (Rodgers
and Hammerstein), 372,
“My Funny Valentine” (Rodgers and
Hart), 371
“My Gal Sal” (Dresser), 181, 182
“My Heart Stood Still” (Rodgers and
Hart), 278
“My Mammy” (Schwartz, Young, and
Donaldson), 236
“My Man’s Gone Now” (Gershwin), 323
“My Old Kentucky Home” (Foster), 199
“My Soul’s Been Anchored to the Lord”
(arr. Price), 328
MySpace, 547
cowboy, 221–22
South as “Dixie,” 159
“My Wife’s Gone to the Country (Hur-
rah! Hurrah!)” (Berlin), 246
“My Wild Irish Rose,” 246

Nancarrow, Conlon, 446
Nanton, Joe “Tricky Sam,” 299, 302
Napster, 387c, 546–48
Nash, Graham, 474
Nashville, Tennessee, 429, 474, 475,
539, 540
country music in the 1960s, 457
Nashville sound, 457
National Barn Dance (W LS, Chicago),
265, 343, 344
National Broadcasting Company
(NBC), 266

National Conservatory of Music (New
York), 195, 228, 233
National Conservatory of Paris
Orchestra, 184
National Convention of Gospel Choirs
and Choruses, 338
National Folk Festival, 514
National Institute of Arts and
Letters, 300
American music issue, 126, 186,
193–96, 535
in concert music, 308–11
in Europe, 193
in folk song, 205
psalmody and, 67
Nationality Act (1940), 207
National Mall (Washington, D.C.), 329
National Peace Jubilee (Boston),
Native American Church, 515
Native American music, 205–15
European accounts of, 24, 208
pantribalism, 514–18
use in concert music, 194–95,
210, 233
Native American peoples, 24, 24 , 124
Christianization attempts,
20–22, 24
confl icts with settlers, 221
cultural survival of, 518
dances of, 48
European perceptions of, 24
as opera subjects, 233
Wounded Knee Massacre, 162c, 207
Natoma (Herbert), 233
Naughty Marietta (Herbert), 234
Nazareth, Pennsylvania, 40
NBC Symphony, 306
Neblett, Charles, 437
Negro dialect songs, 267
Neilson, Peter, 100
Nelly, 544
Nelson, Willie, 457, 474
New Age music, 282
New Age philosophy, 472
“New Attitude,” 501
New Britain (folk hymn), 72–74, 73 ,
270, 492
New Deal, 354
New England; see also specifi c cities and
church choirs in, 33
English settlement of, 25–31
folk hymns in, 71–72
home music making in, 50–53
psalmody in, 31–32, 34–38, 41,
64–69, 76–84
transcendentalists in, 201, 203
New England Anti-Slavery
Convention, 152
New England Conservatory of Music
(Boston), 186, 228, 237, 325
New England Conservatory
Orchestra, 186

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