An Introduction to Film

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Nehru(Benegal), 472
Neill, Sam, 264, 264
Neill, Ve, 189
Nelson, Sean, 319, 319
neorealism, 200, 455–57, 462
Nestor Sextone for President(1988),
Netflix, 511
Neuenfels, Benedict, 272
New American Cinema, 368, 472–77,
473, 474, 475
Newell, Mike:
Donnie Brasco, 292
Harry Potter and the Goblet of
Fire, 25
Love in the Time of Cholera, 145
Newman, Paul, 304
Newman, Randy, 404
Newman, Thomas, 419
New Wave filmmaking, 84, 358, 368,
457–61, 459, 460
New World, The(Malick), 42, 45, 314
New York New York(Scorsese), 85
New York State Censorship Board,
Ngor, Haing S., 313
Niblo, Fred, 60
Niccol, Andrew, 309
Gattaca, 99
Nichols, Dudley, 157–59, 399
Nichols, Mike, 248, 250
Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?,
Nichols, Rachel, 517
Nicholson, Jack, 204, 205,261, 290,
291, 292, 297, 302, 304, 317,
322, 394, 474
Nicholson, William, 148
Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds,
“O Children,” 27, 28
nickelodeon, 441
Nielson, Connie, 148, 149, 149
Niépce, Joseph-Nicéphore, 435
Nightmare Alley(Goulding), 499
Nightmare on Elm Street, A(Craven),
Night of the Hunter, The(Laughton),
186–87, 186, 370,414, 420
Night of the Living Dead(Romero),
Night of the Sunflowers, The
(Sánchez-Cabezudo), 148
Nightwatch(Bekmambetov), 102
Nighy, Bill, 25, 282

Nimoy, Leonard, 191
Nishant(Benegal), 472
Nixon(Stone), 288
No Country for Old Men(E. Coen),
288, 410
No Direction Home: Bob Dylan
(Scorsese), 291
Noé, Gaspar, 147
Enter the Void, 275
Irréversible, 54
Nolan, Christopher, 146, 147, 148, 345
The Dark Knight,111, 176, 192
Inception,388, 389, 492
Memento,54, 96
Nolan, Jonathan, 146, 147
Nolan, Ken, 39
nondiegetic elements, 141, 141, 143
in Stagecoach(Ford), 161–62
nondiegetic sound, 396,396–97, 397
nonfiction films, 194
nonnaturalist actors, 292
nonsimultaneous sound, 397
Noriega, Eduardo, 247
normal lens, 245
normal world, 131, 132
Norris, Chuck, 90
Norris, Daran, 349
North by Northwest(Hitchcock), 155,
260, 261, 301,397, 397
North Country(Caro), 188, 189, 294
Northfork(Polish), 176
Nosferatu, a Symphony of Horror
(Murnau), 99, 197, 212,
230, 277, 444, 446
Nosferatu the Vampyre(Herzog),
418, 464
Notorious(Hitchcock), 123, 124,125,
208, 255,265, 268, 269, 301
Novak, Kim, 322, 365
Novick, Ed, 389
Now, Voyager(Rapper), 307, 365, 367
No Way Home(Giovinazzo), 319
Noyce, Phillip, 289
Nuberu Bagu, 466
Nude Descending a Staircase
(Duchamp), 57, 58
Number Seventeen(Hitchcock), 182
Nunn, Bill, 261, 261

Obayashi, Nobuhiko, House, 467
Oberhausen Manifesto, 464
Oberst, Walter, 400

oblique-angle shots, 263
O’Brien, George, 297
O’Brien, Willis, 279
The Dinosaur and the Missing
Link: A Prehistoric
Tragedy, 112
obstacles, in plot, 129, 136
Ocean’s Eleven(Milestone), 372
“O Children” song, (Nick Cave and
The Bad Seeds), 27, 28
O’Connor, Una, 315
October(Ten Days that Shook the
Wo r l d) (Eisenstein), 449
“Odessa Steps” sequence, see
Battleship Potemkin
Odorama process, 309
O’Farrell, Michael, 423
offscreen sound, 397–98
offscreen space, 204,205, 207
Of Human Bondage(Cromwell), 306
O’Hara, Karen, 190
Oingo Boingo, 404
Okamura, Gerald, 517
Okey, Jack, 199
Oklahoma!(Zinnemann), 108
Old Maid, The(Goulding), 499
Olivier, Laurence, 209,312, 314, 317,
317,321, 329, 398, 399
Olmi, Ermanno, 457
Olmos, Edward James, 313
Olympiad(Riefenstahl), 351
Omen, The(Donner), 102
omniscient narrators, 125
omniscient point of view, 219, 274
Once(Carney), 4, 272, 408, 457
Once upon a Time in America
(Leone), 93
Once Upon a Time in the West
(Leone), 105, 354–55,
415, 415
O’Neal, Ryan, 322, 396
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
(Forman), 272
One From the Heart(F. F. Coppola),
176, 202
180–degree system, 359–64,363, 442
127 Hours(Boyle), 133, 135, 135
O’Neil, Barbara, 331,332, 332
On Kubrick(Naremore), 433
on location, 183, 184
onscreen sound, 397–98
onscreen space, 204,205, 207
On the Beach(Kramer), 98
On the Town,(Donen and Kelly), 108


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