5 Steps to a 5 AP World History, 2014-2015 Edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Take a Diagnostic Exam h 29

to subtropical and tropical regions in the Amer-
icas, Oceania, and Africa (B). They usually
came from Asia, Africa, and the Pacifi c (D).

  1. A Hawaiian sugar plantations employed work-
    ers from China, Japan, the Philippines, Korea,
    Portugal, and the Pacifi c islands; this situa-
    tion produced ethnic divisions and tensions.
    Japanese intolerance was displayed in violence
    toward the people of Nanking (B). Social Dar-
    winism was used to support racism (C). Most
    subject peoples preferred to be educated in
    their native language rather than in a European
    language (D).

  2. B The “track” being laid out covers up the
    bodies of victims of its policies. Although
    China was preparing to host the 2008 Olym-
    pics, choice (A) is neither the best answer nor
    the subject of the cartoon. The newspaper
    headline does not indicate worldwide approval
    (C). The traditional Great Wall is shown with
    the modern city of Beijing, indicating China’s
    efforts at modernization (D).

  3. D Chinese women are allowed to enter the
    professions. China has been criticized for
    imposing its one-child policy in Tibet and
    driving Tibetans from their country (A). The
    one-child policy has led to forced abortions and
    sterilizations as well as increased female infanti-
    cide (B). In 1989, government forces put down
    student protests in favor of greater political
    rights in Tiananmen Square (C).

  4. C The Negritude movement attempted to
    foster pride in being African and to encour-
    age the fi ght for independence. Imperialists
    planned for a slow transition to independence
    (A). After colonialism, Africa’s trade advantage
    decreased or remained constant (B). Boundar-
    ies of independent nations tended to coincide
    with colonial boundaries, perpetuating divisions
    between ethnic groups (D).

  5. B By the end of World War I, the U.S. econ-
    omy soared, increasing its status as a key world
    power. Whereas Japan prospered to a lesser
    extent (A), Russia and France suffered econom-
    ically because the war was carried out within
    their borders (C, D).

  6. B The nutrients generated by improved agri-
    cultural methods have contributed to lower
    mortality rates. Fertility rates have tended to

decrease even in poor societies (A). In spite
of the AIDS crisis, the population of Africa is
increasing (C). Regions with high fertility rates
also show lower mortality rates (D).

  1. B Both independently discovered the value
    of the zero as a place holder, allowing them to
    engage in complex mathematical calculations.
    The Mayans alone were known for the con-
    struction of large ceremonial pyramids (A). The
    Gupta experienced constant threats from fron-
    tier peoples (C), and they knew that the earth is
    round (D).

  2. B The map is of Bosnia, which gave the term
    “ethnic cleansing” to the genocide carried out
    in its confl ict with Serbia in the 1990s. Located
    in the Balkans, the region also contributed the
    word “balkanization” to describe the nationalist
    sentiment emerging from the various nations
    located within the country of Yugoslavia. The
    other responses do not pertain to Bosnia.

  3. A Christianity uses pictures and statues of
    Jesus, whereas Hinduism uses images to rep-
    resent the various forms of its deity. Judaism
    does not represent its deity through images
    (B). Confucianism does not worship a deity,
    and the Buddha is considered a deity only
    in Mahayana Buddhism (C). Islam does not
    represent Allah or any human form through
    images (D).

  4. B The period from 600 b.c.e. to 600 c.e.
    marks the rise of classical civilizations and
    empires such as those of Persia, Han China,
    Rome, and Gupta India. Agricultural societies
    had developed throughout most of the world
    before 600 b.c.e. (A). Although trade had
    begun to develop more widely in this period,
    it was not global (C). Pastoral and agricultural
    societies had interacted in the period before
    600 b.c.e. (D)

  5. C Both philosophies emerged as a response
    to the political unrest at the end of the Zhou
    dynasty. Daoism places greater emphasis on the
    balance of nature (A). Confucianism is more
    focused than Daoism on authoritative govern-
    ment (B), and good education (D).

  6. A The construction of the Panama Canal was
    realized by U.S. intervention, but not through
    imposition of the Mon roe Doctrine. The
    canal offered steam ships a route through the

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