AP Psychology
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brainstem the hindbrain. The old mammalian brain roughly corresponds to the limbic system that includes the septum, hippocampus, ...
Free ebooks ==> http://www.Ebook777.com Structure of brain Function MEDULLA OBLONGATA Where most fibers cross, resulting in c ...
TEMPORAL LOBES Center for hearing; Wernicke’s areain left temporal lobe plays role in understanding language and making meaningf ...
Free ebooks ==> http://www.Ebook777.com between the brain and spinal cord. Lack of ACh is associated with Alzheimer’s disease ...
permeability of its membrane and the presence of electrically charged particles called ions near the inside and outside surfaces ...
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influence behavior. Evolutionary psychologistsstudy how natural selection favored behav- iors that contributed to survival and s ...
Free ebooks ==> http://www.Ebook777.com Biological Bases of Behavior ❮ 75 specific cognitive deficits in arithmetic, spatial ...
Of the following, the effect of adrenalin on the body is most similar to the effect of the (A) cerebellum (B) parathyroids (C) ...
Free ebooks ==> http://www.Ebook777.com E—PET scans visualize changes in the brain as it functions. While fMRI also shows ch ...
Evoked potentials—EEGs resulting from a response to a specific stimulus presented to the subject. Positron emission tomography ( ...
Free ebooks ==> http://www.Ebook777.com Thalamus—relays visual, auditory, taste, somatosensory information to/from appropriat ...
Myelin sheath—a fatty covering of the axon made by glial cells, which speeds up con- duction of the action potential; Terminal ...
Free ebooks ==> http://www.Ebook777.com Afferent neuron—also called sensory neuron; nerve cell in your PNS that transmits im ...
Behavioral geneticists—study the role played by our genes and our environment in mental ability, emotional stability, temperamen ...
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84 ❯ Sensation and Perception IN THIS CHAPTER Summary:If you had to give up one of your senses, which one would it be? Most peop ...
Free ebooks ==> http://www.Ebook777.com Sensation and Perception ❮ 85 Thresholds Sensory sensitivity can be measured by the a ...
86 ❯ STEP 4. Review the Knowledge You Need to Score High three areas: in the cones and rods of the retina located at the back in ...
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