New York City SHSAT 2017
From the completed diagram, you see that Liz sits on Sean’s left, choice (B). F This question is easy once you have the diagram. ...
STEP 1: READ THE PASSAGE The first thing you’re going to do is to read the passage. This should not come as a big surprise. It’s ...
STEP 2: DECODE THE QUESTION Six questions will follow the passage. The first thing you’ll need to do with each question is to de ...
J Once again, we’re told that wide, shallow root systems help plants adjust to “occasional, but heavy rainfalls” (lines 10–11). ...
STEP 3: RESEARCH THE DETAIL This does not mean that you should start rereading the passage from the beginning to find the refere ...
Lines 26–27 state that alchemists believed base metals could be purified “under certain astrological conditions,” but we never l ...
STEP 4: PREDICT THE ANSWER AND CHECK THE ANSWER CHOICES When you find the detail in the passage, think about the purpose that it ...
contradicted by the final sentence of paragraph 2. (G), (H), and (J) are not substantiated in the passage: We’re not told that t ...
correct. (A) and (B) are things attributed to Graham’s early dances; (C) mentions the subject matter of some of her later work. ...
The Passage As you learned earlier, reading for the SHSAT is not exactly like the reading that you do in school or at home. As a ...
B Paragraph 2 describes the problems of refractors—they didn’t “focus light sharply,” and they produced “color distortions.” Cho ...
SEVEN SHSAT READING STRATEGIES Mark it up. You can write in the test booklet, so use this to your advantage. Do not take a lot o ...
CRITICAL READING SKILLS So far, you’ve learned a method by which to approach all Reading passages and questions. Additionally, y ...
Answers and Explanations ...
There is only one answer choice here that sums up the contents of both paragraphs. (G) is just a detail. (F) cannot be correct b ...
PRACTICE TEST 2—PART 2 1. Part 2—Math D Plug in the values you have for a and b. Since a = 3 and b = −3, our equation reads 2(3) ...
The second paragraph deals with the complex details of respiration. Carbon dioxide is mentioned in lines 12 and 14–15. Both ques ...
the total number of possible outcomes. Fran is going to pick one shirt, and we want to figure out the probability that it will n ...
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