New York City SHSAT 2017
Now we can combine the integers on the right side: 5 p + 12 = 13 − 2p We can add 2p to each side to get all the p’s on one side: ...
H. x^2 + y^2. 3^2 + 4^2 = 9 + 16 = 25. 25 is odd, so (H) is correct. A This problem looks harder than it really is. If 23. H Mul ...
and a + 2b + 4c = a + 2b + 0 = 5. F If a fraction equals zero, then the numerator equals zero—in other words, the denominator is ...
The value of r that is common to both solution sets is r = −1. J Questions like these will be a breeze on Test Day if you tackle ...
Chapter 10 ...
Algebra: Word Problems HIGHLIGHTS Get an Overview of What Will Be on the Test Learn How to Translate Word Problems Practice with ...
Overview Word Problems Two simple words that evoke more fear and loathing than most other math concepts or question types combin ...
Translation Often, word problems seem tricky because it’s hard to figure out precisely what they’re asking. It can be difficult ...
TRANSLATION EXERCISE SIFT THROUGH THE FICTION—FIND THE MATH! In some questions, the translation will be embedded within a “story ...
SYMBOLISM WORD PROBLEMS Word problems, by definition, require you to translate English to math. Some word problems contain an ex ...
WORD PROBLEMS WITH FORMULAS Some of the more difficult word problems may involve translations with mathematical formulas. For ex ...
Backdoor Strategies Word problems are extraordinarily susceptible to the backdoor strategies detailed in the Introducing SHSAT M ...
KAPLAN’S 3-STEP METHOD FOR PICKING NUMBERS Step 1: Pick simple, easy-to-use numbers for each variable. Step 2. Solve the problem ...
BACKSOLVING Exercise You can backsolve when the answer choices contain only numbers. Always start with the middle answer choice, ...
Practice Set After the announcement of a sale, a bookstore sold of all its books in stock. On the following day, this bookstore ...
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