Barrons AP Psychology 7th edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. (D) Sal’s conclusion that Petunia is a funny person after their brief meeting is best explained by the
    fundamental attribution error, the tendency for people to underestimate the role of the situation in
    explaining the behavior of others. The mere-exposure effect would hold that the more time Sal
    spent with Petunia, the more he would like her; it says that exposure to a person or thing increases
    liking. Self-serving bias is the tendency to take more credit for positive outcomes than negative
    ones. Equipotentiality is a learning principle, the belief that we have an equal opportunity to teach
    all organisms all things. Cognitive dissonance is the mental tension that arises from holding two
    contradictory thoughts or when people’s thoughts don’t mesh with their behavior.

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