Barrons AP Psychology 7th edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. (B) Sperling’s partial report technique was designed to test the capacity of sensory memory.
    Sperling hypothesized that the reason people were only able to report about four items they were
    exposed to for a split second was not that more items didn’t make it into the sensory register but
    that the memory decayed before the people could report them. He used the partial report technique
    to expose participants to a matrix of 12 letters (3 rows of 4) and showed that if cued on which line
    to report immediately after the matrix was removed from view, participants could usually recall
    the entire row correctly. This technique is not used to test the serial position effect, duration of
    working memory, difference between STM and LTM, or misinformation effect.

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