Private Tutor Sat Writing 2013-2014 Prep Course

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Notice that intro phrase followed by a comma (Aware of the growing popularity of Google as a source of
medical information). We may have a Misplaced Modifier error. Let’s check it. Ask: Who or what is aware of
the growing popularity of Google as a source of medical information? Your answer is right after the comma
(doctors). Well that makes sense. Doctors are aware of this phenomenon and are warning against it. Check the
other answer choices to make sure there isn’t another error you may have missed.

(B) ETS inserts the awkward “ing” (warning) and changes “may” to “would” which creates a verb
tense error.
(C) “and with warnings...” creates a sentence fragment error.
(D) creates a modifying error and a run-on! What’s aware? Using advice. Notice the visual tip-off:
(“...ailments, this...”) This option is way wordy and wrong!
(E) creates a modifying error. Now warnings from doctors are aware of the Google phenomenon,
and “warnings” cannot be aware.

Correct Answer: (A)

Aware of the growing popularity of Google as a
source of medical information, doctors warn that
using advice found on the Internet to treat
ailments may lead to further complications.

(A) doctors warn that using advice found on
the Internet to treat ailments may
(B) doctors warning that using advice found on
the Internet to treat ailments would
(C) and with warnings from doctors that using
advice found on the Internet to treat ailments
(D) using advice found on the Internet to treat
ailments, this is what experts warn may
(E) warnings from doctors concerning using advice
found on the Internet to treat ailments may


  1. Watts and Compton are an example of
    neighborhoods that have a shortage of
    adequately staffed schools.

(A) are an example of neighborhoods that
(B) are examples of neighborhoods that
(C) are examples where neighborhoods
(D) exemplify a neighborhood that
(E) exemplify neighborhoods where they

Once you’ve seen a couple at work, Noun Agreement errors become much easier to spot. Watts and Compton
is a compound subject so the plural “are” works. Notice the noun “example.” What is an example? Watts AND
Compton. Example should be examples because we have two neighborhoods.

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