Childrens Illustrated Encyclopedia
Encyclopedia Illustrated C h i ld ren’s 25 y e a r anniversary edition US_001_Half_Title.indd 1 29/01/16 2:08 pm ...
US_002-003_Title_page.indd 2 29/01/16 2:08 pm ...
Encyclopedia Illustrated C h i ld ren’s US_002-003_Title_page.indd 3 29/01/16 2:08 pm ...
First edition 1991 Senior Editor Ann Kramer Senior Art Editor Miranda Kennedy Editors Christiane Gunzi, Susan McKeever, Richard ...
Butterflies and moths Conservation and ContEnts ...
- Brain and nerves ...
7 abolitionist movement to zoos US_007_MainPage.indd 7 29/01/16 11:30 am ...
8 Civil rights Civil war Declaration of independence Tubman, harriet Find out more The DeClaraTion of inDepenDenCe promised equa ...
Land cLaims When British settlers arrived in australia, they seized sacred sites and other land that belonged to aboriginal peop ...
The Bushmen roam the deserts of southern Africa and gather wild food from the harsh environment. The Ashanti peoples of West Afr ...
africa 11 Medicine and healing When seeking a cure for sickness, some Africans consult Western-style doctors. Others consult a t ...
africa Political africa independent african states, with few exceptions, are territorially identical to the colonies they replac ...
Giza Thebes niger nile Ubangi^ congo Z am bezi Wh it e^ n li (^) e bl u e (^) n ile niger^ canary islands (to spain) madeira (to ...
SoapStone birdS Soapstone carvings of local birds on columns stood in an enclosure outside Great Zimbabwe. one of these birds ha ...
Scramble for africa Until the 1880s, european conquest in africa was restricted to the coastal regions and the main river valley ...
16 Find out more Abolitionist movement Africa, history of Civil rights Slavery The hiSTory of AfriCAn-AmeriCAn people has been d ...
17 Aircraft 17- Less than 100 years ago, even the fastest ship took more than a week to cross the atlantic ocean. today most jet ...
History of fligHt During the late 1840s, the English inventor sir george Cayley built a glider that could carry a person when it ...
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