Childrens Illustrated Encyclopedia
south america 479 Volcano Mountain Capital city Large city/ town Small city/ town Ancient monument Industry south American indus ...
childrens_illustrated_encyclopedia_template_US_layer_v1 480 For thousands oF years, the continent of south america developed ind ...
south america, history of 481 Find out more Central america Conquistadors Incas South america Roman CatholIC ChuRCh When the Spa ...
482 Southeast Asia is the part of Asia to the south of China and east of India. The mainland portion has an area of 640,000 sq m ...
southeast asia 483 Vietnam Vietnam is a mountainous land that occupies the eastern part of the indoChina Peninsula in Southeast ...
childrens_illustrated_encyclopedia_template_UK_layer_v4 southeast asia 484 PhiliPPines Most of the islands in the Philippines ar ...
I N D I A N O C E A N South China Sea Stra it (^) o f (^) M alac ca G ulf of Thailand Gulf of Tongking Andaman Sea Tonle Sap Ch ...
childrens_illustrated_encyclopedia_template_US_layer_v1 486 A Romanian gypsy makes a living by selling berries. roses Vast field ...
486- Southeast Europe, Central 487 Volcano Mountain Capital city Large city/ town Small city/ town Ancient monument N S W E the ...
childrens_illustrated_encyclopedia_template_US_layer_v1 488 The landscape of Mediterranean southeast europe is composed of rugge ...
Lake Ohrid Lake Scutari Dra va Sav a Dri na Sava lB ac k Dr in L umi^ i^ Drin it Da nu be Kv arn er (^) S tr ai t o f A d r i a ...
childrens_illustrated_encyclopedia_template_US_layer_v1 desert nomads the nomadic san of the Kalahari in Botswana live by gather ...
SOUTHERN AFRICA 491 N S W E Volcano Mountain Capital city Large city/ town Small city/ town Ancient monument FISHING The waters ...
childrens_illustrated_encyclopedia_template_US_layer_v1 492 Posters showing muscular workers encouraged people to work hard. Lan ...
492- Soviet Union, history of 493 Space race On October 4, 1957, the whole world listened in amazement to a strange beeping soun ...
494 space shuttle Between 1981 and 2010, us space shuttles made more than 130 flights to earth orbit, carrying a crew of several ...
Space flight 495 Find out more Astronauts and space travel Comets and meteors Gravity Moon Planets Rockets and missiles Satellit ...
childrens_illustrated_encyclopedia_template_US_layer_v1 496 Religion The Roman Catholic Church plays an important part in the li ...
spAin 497 regional food Spain boasts a variety of regional dishes, the most famous of which are paella and tapas. Paella is a cl ...
childrens_illustrated_encyclopedia_template_US_layer_v1 498 Gibraltar Spain claims that Gibraltar, at its southern tip, is Spani ...
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