Childrens Illustrated Encyclopedia
UnitED KinGDoM 539 (^) Br istol Channel The Wash Land’s End E n g l is h^ C ha n n e l Firth^ of^ Lo rn^ Soloway^ F irth Nor th ...
childrens_illustrated_encyclopedia_template_US_layer_v1 540 history of the Magna Carta the Magna Carta (great Charter) of 1215 w ...
547- United States, history of 541 ImmIgratIon the United Kingdom has become a multiracial and multicultural society, with immig ...
542 United Nations the headquarters of the Un in new York City is where the General assembly and security Council meet, as well ...
543 On the flag Of the United States, 50 identical stars represent the country’s 50 states. But the states themselves could not ...
childrens_illustrated_encyclopedia_template_US_layer_v1 united states of america 544 Hollywood Hollywood, in los Angeles, was fo ...
united states of america 545 PENNSYLVANIA 1787 Area: 46,054 sq miles (119,280 sq km) Population: 12,787,000 Capital: Harrisburg ...
childrens_illustrated_encyclopedia_template_UK_layer_v4 Broo kes (^) Range Gulf of Alaska Ber ing St rai t^ ARCTIC^ OCE AN Aleut ...
547 United StateS Today The UniTed STaTeS of america is the most powerful nation on earth. yet, just 240 years ago, the United S ...
childrens_illustrated_encyclopedia_template_UK_layer_v4 united states, history of 548 ImmIgratIon During the 19th century, many ...
549 Universe The expanding universe You can get an idea of how the universe is expanding by imagining several small pieces of pa ...
childrens_illustrated_encyclopedia_template_US_layer_v1 550 Victorians 550- Under the rUle of QUeen Victoria, the British people ...
victorians SOCIAL REFORM In Victorian times, a new industrial era resulted in a wealthy middle class. However, it also created a ...
childrens_illustrated_encyclopedia_template_US_layer_v1 552 Vietnam War Four times as many bombs were dropped by the US Air Forc ...
553 Vikings Burials important Vikings were buried with their ships. relatives placed the body in a wooden cabin on the deck. som ...
childrens_illustrated_encyclopedia_template_US_layer_v1 554 Living in the shadow of a volcano can be a source of constant fear. ...
555 Washington, George Mount Vernon Built in 1743, Mount Vernon was the home of George Washington for more than 50 years. the wo ...
childrens_illustrated_encyclopedia_template_US_layer_v1 556 We are surrounded by water. More than 70 percent of earth’s surface ...
557 Water Water falls as rain and is collected in lakes and reservoirs. Water is cleaned in a treatment plant. Once the water is ...
childrens_illustrated_encyclopedia_template_US_layer_v1 558 Weather describes conditions, such as rain, wind, and sunshine, that ...
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