Childrens Illustrated Encyclopedia
Swarms of gold prospectors, known as garimpeiros, cover this Brazilian hillside. They chip away rock with pickaxes, hoping they ...
When rain forests are cleared in equatorial regions, heavy rainfall erodes the soil, leaving a green desert. Crops cannot grow i ...
B r A Z I l G U Y A N A v e N eZ Ue lA^ C O l O M B IA SU r IN A M fr eN C H G U IA N A (t o^ F ra nc e) Ur U G U A Y P A r A G ...
82 Bridges Arch bridge A curved arch firmly fixed to the banks supports the bridge. Arches are very strong structures. rAising t ...
Writing and the Wheel the earliest form of writing, called cuneiform, emerged during the Bronze age. it was invented by the Sume ...
Monks Buddhist monks give up most possessions. They keep only their saffron yellow robes, a belt, a needle, a razor, a water str ...
85 AS BRILLIANT IN COLOR as many exotic flowers, butterflies are among the most beautiful of all creatures. Butterflies are more ...
Resting pupa of blue morpho butterfly disguised as a leaf butterflies and moths 86 Find out more Spinnerets produce silken threa ...
87 Byzantine Empire Byzantine empire in 565 ce, the Byzantine empire stretched from Spain in the west to Syria in the east. By 1 ...
88 Crossing the rubiCon Caesar’s victories in gaul made him very popular with many romans. however, others feared and distrusted ...
Movie caMeras The movement we see in a movie theater is an illusion. A movie (cinema) film is really a series of still pictures ...
Arctic hAre the Arctic hare is brown in the summer to match its surroundings of soil and shrubs. in the fall, it sheds its fur a ...
The second-largesT counTry in the world is also one of the emptiest. Much of canada is virtually uninhabited. The northern part ...
VANCOUVER Vancouver is Canada’s leading Pacific port. Situated in southwestern British Columbia, Vancouver overlooks the Strait ...
canada 93 n s W E Volcano Mountain Capital city Large city/ town Small city/ town Ancient monument statistics area: 3,855,103 sq ...
Dominion in 1867, the four British colonies of nova Scotia, new Brunswick, and Upper and Lower Canada formed the self-governing ...
95 Architecture Brilliant colors enhance the traditional shapes of caribbean architecture. Similarly, caribbean music, literatur ...
Y u ca ta n Ch an nel Straits of^ Flo rid a^ Jamaic a (^) Ch ann el Gulf of Venezuela Gulf of Mexico A T L A N T IC (^) O CE AN ...
97 SportS car With its large engine, sleek design, and usually seating for only two people, a sports car is designed purely for ...
cars 98 Daimler anD Benz in the 1880s, German engineers Karl Benz and Gottlieb Daimler worked independently to produce the first ...
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