Shaping the landScape
glaciers slowly grind away even the
hardest rock and reveal a changed
landscape when they retreat. deep
valleys and lakes, together with
rivers and waterfalls, now exist
where there were
none before.
Valley glacier
the ice fills a valley, moving
faster at the center than at
the sides of the glacier.
cracks called crevasses
open in the surface.
in the russian
Federation, ice and
frozen soil have preserved
huge hairy elephants, called
mammoths, just as if they
were in a deep freeze.
the last mammoths lived in
north america, europe, and
asia during the ice age.
the glacier acts like a huge
conveyor belt, carrying broken
rocks, called moraines, down from the
mountaintop. the moving ice also plucks
stones and boulders from the base and sides of
the valley. this material is carried along within
the glacier, and is called englacial moraine.
ice age
a deep ice sheet covered about one- third
of the world’s land during the last ice age.
ice extended as far south as Saint louis,
missouri, and london, england. there
had been ice ages before the last one,
and there could be more in the future.
Find out more
polar wildlife
rain and snow
ice cap
ice caps cover
vast areas. When
the thickness of
the ice reaches
about 200 ft (60 m),
its enormous weight
sets it moving.
Rocks in the
melting ice build
up a wall called a
terminal moraine.
SnoW Falling on the world’s tallest mountain peaks never melts. the
temperature rarely rises above freezing, and fresh falls of snow press down on
those below, turning them to ice. a thick cover of ice, called an ice cap or ice sheet,
builds up, or snow collects in hollows. ice flows down from the hollows in rivers of
ice called glaciers. they move very slowly, usually less than 3.3 ft (1 m) a day, down
toward the lower slopes. there it is usually warmer, and the glaciers melt.
however, in the arctic and the antarctic, ice and snow remain throughout the
year, though in recent times, large areas of ice have been melting because
of global warming. ice sheets covered much of north
america and europe during the last ice
age over the last million years. When
the weather became warmer,
about 10,000 years ago, the
ice sheets retreated. ice
sheets now exist only in
greenland and antarctica.
and ice caps
glaciers often join
together, just as small
rivers meet to form bigger
rivers. the ice may be
more than 0.5 mile
(1 km) deep.
the sea rose at the end of the ice
age, drowning valleys formed by
glaciers. these deep, steep-sided
inlets are called fjords. the coast
of norway has many fjords.
Lake formed
A river
flows down
the center of
the valley.
Streams of
water form as
the glacier melts.
huge pieces of
floating ice are
called icebergs.
nine-tenths of the
ice floats below the
water, so icebergs
are a danger to
ships. in 1912, the
ocean liner Titanic
sank after colliding
with an iceberg.
valley carved
out by
the glacier
the hollow
where the ice
collects to start
the glacier is
called a cirque
or corrie.
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