Childrens Illustrated Encyclopedia

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


bartering 178
Bartholdi, Frédéric Auguste 505
Barton, Clara 64
Baryonyx 162, 163
basalt 231, 441
baseball 65 , 544
basketball 66 , 501
Bastille Day 95
Bastille prison 224
Batman, John 55
bats 67 , 142, 168, 210, 254, 331,
batteries 181, 182 , 183, 457
Britain 575
Gettysburg 123
Guagamela 19
Hastings 540
Issus 19
Iwo Jima 295, 548
Lepanto 394
Lexington 21
Little Bighorn 372
Midway 396, 576
Naseby 189
Orléans 298
Passchendaele 325
Salamis 246
Stalingrad 493
Trafalgar 369, 541
Trenton 555
Waterloo 369
Ypres 573
bauxite 342
Bavaria, Germany 233
Bayeux Tapestry 134, 378
Bay of Pigs, Cuba 548
beaches 53, 388, 458 , 496
Beagle, HMS 153
beaks 75, 197
bears 34, 68 , 254, 314, 358, 414
Beaufort scale 569
beavers 331
Beckett, Samuel 520
Bedouins 347
Beech Starship 1 413
beefsteak fungus 363
beer 232, 325
bees 69 , 100, 213, 279, 280
Beethoven, Ludwig van 137 , 234
beetles 70 , 179, 211, 279, 280,
308, 358, 363, 531
Beijing, China 114
Beijing Opera 116
Belarus 62
Belfast, Northern Ireland 538
Belgium 193, 324 , 325 , 573
Belize 108
Bell, Alexander Graham 457 ,
Belsen camp 259
Bengal, Bay of 272
Benin, Kingdom of 14, 16, 71
Benz, Karl 98
Beowulf 321
Berbers 379
Bering Strait 39, 371, 384
Berlin, Germany 196, 232 , 259
airlift 128
Berlin Wall 129, 232
Bermuda Triangle 50
Bernini, Gian Lorenzo 433
berries 226
beryl 442
beta particles 427
bhangra 270
Bharatanatyam 152
Bhutan 269
Bible 61, 112, 118 , 289, 297,
310, 403, 407, 430, 432
biceps 362
Big Bang 72 , 549
Bill of Rights 144
bills (birds’) 75, 197
bills (laws) 140
binary code 139 , 519
binoculars 517

binocular vision 201
biography 321
biology 73 , 455
see also animals; plants; wildlife
bioluminescence 155
biome 176
bird-of-paradise flower 213
birds 24, 74-75, 182
Arctic 35
endangered species 143
evolution 197, 198, 210
flight 210—211
forest 216, 217
and insecticides 176
migration 350
mountain 358
nests 75, 374
polar 414, 415
seabirds 389, 390, 458, 459
seed dispersal by 227
waders 458
water 308
wetlands 334
birds of paradise 75
birth 435
bison 382
bivalves 462
Blackbeard 408
black bears 68, 254
Black Death 76
black holes 48, 77 , 503
black power salute 393
Black Sea 103
blacksmiths 38
black widow spider 500
bladder 263
blank verse 460
Bled, Lake 488
Blitz 575
blood 250 , 263, 362
circulation 262, 338
blood plasma 557
bloodhounds 25-26
bloodletting 339
bloodworms 577
bluebells 216
bluebottles 209
blues 544
Bluetooth 139
blue whales 566, 567
boar, wild 234
boas 470
boats 215, 273, 314, 396,
463-464, 509, 528
see also barges; ships
bobcats 358
Bodrum, Turkey 533
body see human body
body painting 401
body temperature 331
Boers 474
bogong moths 350
boiling point 251
bolas 36
Bolívar, Simón 481
Bolivia 477 , 481
Bollywood 270
Bolshoi ballet 447
Bombay see Mumbai
Bombay cat 101
bomb disposal 439
Bonaire 96
bone 465
see also skeletons
Bonn, Germany 234
Bonny, Anne 408
bonsai 293
books 403
see also literature
boomerangs 9
Booth, John Wilkes 317
Border Patrol 266
Borneo 483, 484
Borobudur Temple 482
Bosnia and Herzegovina 193,
196, 488
Boston Tea Party 21

botany 73, 146, 212, 455
see also plants
Botany Bay 57, 146
Botswana 490
Botticelli, Sandro 433
bottlenose dophins 566
Boudicca (Boadicea) 105
boules 221
bows and arrows 352, 372
Boyd, Belle 123
bracken 216, 356
Brady, Matthew 124
Brahma 255
brain 78 , 262
Braque, Georges 399
Brasília, Brazil 81, 121
brass 342
brass instruments 367
Braun, Wernher von 440
Brazil 79-81, 200, 438, 476, 480,
soccer team 477
Brazil nuts 80, 226
bread 73
breathing 263, 326 , 395
Brecht, Bertolt 520
breeding, captive 143
Brendan, Saint 199
bricks 442 , 509
bridges 82 , 215, 252, 275, 284
Brisbane, Australia 55
bristletails 280
Bristol, England 468
Britain, ancient 105
Romans and 88, 444
British Empire 270, 536, 550,
and American Revolution
colonies 15, 37, 53, 57, 71, 94,
131, 291, 377, 397, 483, 498
slavery 467-468
Britain, Great see United
broadleaf trees 216, 530
Broadway 520
bronchi and bronchiole 326
bronze 286, 342
Bronze Age 30, 38, 83
bronzes 14, 71
Brown, Arthur Whitten 18
Brown, John 8
Brown, Linda 511
Brunei 40, 484
Brunel, Isambard Kingdom 275
Brussels, Belgium 325
Brutus, Marcus 88
bryozoans 24
Bucephalus 19
Buchenwald camp 259
Budapest, Hungary 196
Buddha, the (Siddhartha
Gautama) 84
Buddhism 32, 43, 84 , 258, 269,
293, 321, 430, 431 , 482, 483
Tibetan 115, 116
Zen 294
Buenos Aires, Argentina 36
buffalo see bison
bugs 280
buildings see architecture
Bulgaria 486
bulletproof vests 38
bullfighting 496 , 497
Bunyan, Paul 368
buoys 373
Bureau of Engraving and
Printing 240
burial mounds 195
burials, Viking 553
Burj Khalifa 33
Burke, Robert O’Hara 58
Burma see Myanmar
burrowing creatures 241, 374 ,
458, 470, 472
burs 227
Burundi 11, 173

buses, London 536
bushes 412
Bush, George H.W. 129
Bushmen 10
butane 228
butterflies 26, 73, 85-86, 143,
211, 212, 213, 280, 384
butterfly fish 207
Byblos 403
Byrd, William 432
Byzantine Empire 87
Byzantium see Istanbul


cabinet, president’s 425
Cabot, John 94
cacti 142, 160
caecilians 225
Caesar, Julius 88
caimans 149
Cairo, Egypt 10, 361, 379
calcite 104, 442
calendars 522
California 543, 544 , 546, 565
see also San Francisco
Cambodia 482
Camelot 303
camera obscura 89
cameras 89 , 232, 277, 404-405
digital 89, 405
movie 359
video (camcorders) 518, 519
Cameroon 106
camouflage 86, 90 , 391, 437
Canada 34, 91-94, 282, 382, 384
history 94
hockey 257
Canadian Mounted Police 91
Canadian Shield 93
canals 109 , 274, 290, 324, 348 ,
419 , 448, 509
Canary Islands 49, 499
Canberra, Australia 53, 55
cancer 164, 248
cane toads 225
canine teeth 515
cannibals 200
canoes 372, 377, 531
Canterbury Tales 538, 579
canvas, artist’s 400
canyons 381
capacitors 183
Cape Town, South Africa 474
Cape Verde Islands 13, 153
capillaries 250 , 326
capital cities 121
Africa 12, 107, 174, 380, 475,
491, 564
Asia 41, 111, 117, 271, 273,
349, 484
Atlantic territories 50
Australia 55
Baltic States 62
Caribbean 96
Caucasus republics 103
Central America 109
Europe 192, 325, 454, 487,
North America 92, 93
Pacific Islands 397
South America 478
UK 539
USA 545, 546
capitalism 135
capital letters 20
Capitol building 140, 240
caravels 195
Caraway, Hattie 140
carbolic acid 339
carbon 287
carbon dioxide 51, 73, 228, 250,
326, 395, 411, 530
cardinal numbers 386
cargo ships 419, 463

Caribbean region 95-96, 133,
408, 467, 541
carnival 79
carnivores 175, 318, 330
carnivorous plants 412
carp 294, 308
Carpathian Mountains 486, 487
carpets 110, 268, 283, 380
cars 97-98, 182, 187, 235, 287,
290, 294, 449, 466, 525, 528
exhausts 417, 418
and pollution 529
production line 548
solar-powered 510
steering wheels 328
tires 568
Carter, Dan 376
Carter, Howard 31
Carthage 403
Cartier, Jacques 94
cartilage 461, 465
Cartwright, Alexander 65
Caspian Sea 42, 103, 283, 309
cassava 107
caste system 255
castles 99-100, 220, 378, 533
Castro, Fidel 135, 300, 481
Catalonia, Spain 498
catalytic converters 417
caterpillars 85-86, 280
catfish 168, 206, 208
cathedrals 112, 195, 221, 378,
cats 101-102, 230, 242, 358
big 176, 318-319
saber-toothed 423
cattle farming 36. 54, 80, 81, 172,
173, 203 , 220, 375, 476, 512
cattle, sacred 270
Caucasus republics 103
Cavaliers 189
cave dwellings 370
cave paintings 104, 152, 165,
205, 400
caves 104
caviar 283, 448, 449
Cayley, Sir George 18
Ceausescu, Nicolae 493
cellos 366
cells 262
blood cells 250, 262
nerve cells 78, 262
Celsius scale 252
Celts 105 , 286, 303
cemeteries, war 325
Centigrade 252
centipedes 24, 472
Central Africa 106-107
Central African Republic 106,
Central America 108-109
Central Asia 110-111
Central Intelligence Agency 128
ceramics 237 , 421
cerebral hemispheres 78
CERN 406
Ceres 410
Cerra Aconcagua 36
CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons)
417, 418
Chad 106
chaffinches 74
Chain, Ernst 339
chain mail 38
chalk 441
chamber music 364
chameleons 90, 323, 437
chamois 358
Champlain, Samuel de 92
Chandler, Raymond 578
Channel Islands 537, 539
Channel Tunnel 222
Chaplin, Charlie 359
Charlemagne, emperor 112
Charles I, king of England 189,
338, 541

indeX. bartering – Charles i, king of england

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