Hopi people 371
hoplites 245
hormones 262, 435
Horn of Africa 13, 172
horse latitudes 569
horses 110, 205, 260-261
racing and sports 502
and transportation 497, 528
in warfare 19, 38, 352
horseshoe bat 67
horsetails 356, 412
horticulture 213
Hospitallers, Knights 303
hospitals 124, 278 , 541
hourglass 522
House of Representatives 140 ,
Houston, Texas 383
hoverflies 209
hovering 211
howler monkeys 354
Hoyle, Fred 72
Hubble, Edwin 48, 72
Hubble Space Telescope 47
Hudson’s Bay Company 94
human beings 24, 353
evolution 31, 423, 424
human biology 73
human body 262-263
brain 78
digestion 161
heart and blood 250
and measurements 560
muscles and movement 362
reproduction 434-435
skeleton 23, 262, 465-466
sweating and shivering 252
teeth 515
water in 556
humanism 432
human rights 114, 264 , 301, 445
see also slavery; women
hummingbirds 74, 75, 210, 211,
humors (medicine) 338
humus 472
Hungary 193, 196, 247, 259,
Huns 63
hunter-gatherers 205, 490
hunting 282, 341, 382, 506
hurling 285
hurricanes 507, 523
huskies 34, 282, 331
Hutton, James 231
Hutu people 173
hydra 147
hydroelectric power 59, 103,
111, 151, 438, 557 , 563
hydrofoils 464
hydrogen 72, 113, 385, 510
hydrostatic skeletons 465, 466
hygiene 248
hypocaust 443
hypothalamus 78
hyraxes 358
Iberian Peninsula 496
ICBMs see intercontinental
ballistic missiles
ice 428, 556
ice ages 125, 236, 309, 384,
ice caps (ice sheets) 236
ice fish 415
ice hockey 91, 257
icebergs 28, 35, 236
icebreakers 34
Iceland 49, 452, 454 , 553
Iceni 105
ice shelves 28
ichthyosaurs 162, 198, 218
icons 119
igloos 34, 282
igneous rocks 441
Iguacu Falls 81
iguanas 322, 323
Iguanodon 163
immigration 265-266, 381, 407,
505, 547, 548
to Australia 58
to Brazil 481
to UK 536, 541
immune system 164, 249
immunization 248
imperial measures 560
imports 524
impressionism 399
Incas 141, 267 , 478, 480
incisors 515
inclined plane 327
Independence Day 154, 258
independence movements 92,
94, 108, 343, 377, 467, 480,
see also Declaration of
India 32, 39, 43, 119, 157, 238,
ancient observatory 48
bridal art 401
dance 152
elephants 38
independence 44, 264
languages 20, 40, 268, 310
religions 84, 255, 268, 368
see also Hinduism
Indian Ocean 171, 272-273,
389, 408, 491
Indians see Native Americans
Indian subcontinent 39, 40,
Indonesia 40, 42, 44, 273, 396,
482, 484
indulgences 429
Indus Valley Civilization 39, 43,
Industrial Revolution 127, 190,
198, 274-275, 306, 468, 513,
industry 121, 228, 514, 524-525
Asia 115, 116, 268, 293, 294,
304, 482
Baltic States 62
Central America 108
Europe 190, 232, 234, 284,
290, 324, 487, 488, 489, 498,
Soviet Union 492
UK 537, 538
USA 546, 548
inertia 215
infinity 335
information technology 277-
infrared rays 48, 186, 251
Inquisition 429
insecticides 176
insects 24, 26, 210, 279-280, 472
ants and termites 29
bees and wasps 69
beetles 70
butterflies and moths 85-86
flies and mosquitoes 209
larvae 308, 334
mountain 358
prehistoric 423
skeletons 466
stick insects 90
water 556
wings 211
see also particular insects
insulators 181, 251
insulin 167
interactive television 519
intercontinental ballistic
missiles 440
internal combustion engine 187
international date line 522
international law 312
International Space Station 46,
494, 495
International Union for the
Conservation of Nature and
Natural Resources 142
Internet 139, 278, 281 , 457, 519
Internet Service Provider 281
intestines 161, 263
Inuits 34, 91, 282
inventors 456-457
invertebrates 24
ionosphere 51
Iran 283 , 348, 402, 569
Iraq 39, 61, 283, 348, 509
Ireland 265, 284-285, 540
see also Northern Ireland
iris (eye) 201
iron 52, 54, 59, 127, 275, 286,
287 , 342
cast 274
and magnetism 329
Iron Age 83, 286 , 287
Iron Curtain 128, 129
iron oxide 287
irrigation 11, 151, 160, 179,
205 , 509, 513
Ishtar Gate 61
Islam (Muslims) 288, 347, 430,
in Africa 11, 106, 379, 561
in Asia 43, 87, 110, 268, 272,
273, 482, 484
Crusades 150
holidays 258
in Iran 283
and Jerusalem 289
Muhammad 288, 361
Ottoman Empire and 394
in Southeast Europe 486,
488, 489
in Spain 112, 497
in Turkey 533
islands, formation of 388
Isle of Man 537
isobars 559
ISP see Internet Service
Israel 259, 288 , 299, 348
Istanbul (formerly Byzantium
and Constantinople), Turkey
87, 119, 288, 533
IT see information technology
Italy 290-292, 313, 542
Renaissance 432-433
ivory 184
Ivory Coast 563
Iwo Jima 295, 548
jackals 242
Jackson, Andrew 416
jaguars 318 , 319 , 336
Jakarta, Indonesia 482
James I, king of England (James
VII of Scotland) 460
Jamestown, Virginia 131
janissaries 394
Jansz, William 57, 58
Japan 20, 40, 42, 44, 82, 208,
art 399
Maglev 527
Noh drama 321
pagodas 32, 84
robots 439
and World War II 44, 575,
Jarrow March 158
Java, Indonesia 42, 482 , 485
jaws 330, 515
Jaws (movie) 360
jazz 16, 364
jazz dance 152
Jefferson Memorial 238
Jefferson, Thomas 154, 238,
296 , 314, 416
jellyfish 147 , 390, 466
Jenner, Edward 339
jerboas 159
Jersey 537
Jerusalem 61, 150, 289, 297, 430
Jesuits 429
Jesus Christ 118, 119, 288, 291,
297 , 398, 430, 431
jet engines 17, 18, 188, 287, 529
Jews 118, 265, 289, 299 , 394,
430, 431
holidays 258
Holocaust 259 , 576, 578
Jim Crow laws 122
Joan of Arc 298
Johannesburg, South Africa 490
Johannsen, Wilhelm 229
Johnson, Amy 18
joints 262, 465
Jordan River 289
Joseph II, Habsburg emperor
Joshua trees 383
jousting 99, 302
Juan Carlos, king of Spain
Juba River 174
Judaism 299 , 431
see also Jews
judges 312
junks 115, 463, 528
Jupiter 355, 409 , 410, 451, 495
juries 312
justice 311
justices 511
Justinian I, emperor 87, 311
Kaaba 288, 361
Kabul, Afghanistan 111
Kaddish 299
Kairouan, Tunisia 379
Kalahari Desert 490
Kampala, Uganda 172
kangaroos 330
Karakoram Mountains 39, 268
Karma 84, 255
Kashmir 269
Katrina, Hurricane 523
Kawasaki Ninja H2 294
Keeling Islands 153
Kennedy, Edward 140
Kennedy family 300
Kennedy, John F. 300 , 425, 548
Kenya 172, 173
Kepler, Johannes 456
Kerala, India 269
keratin 75
kestrels 210
Kevlar 413
keyboards (music) 367
KGB 128
Khadija 361
Khyber Pass 111
Kibo, Mount 174
Kidd, Captain 408
kidneys 263
Kiev, Ukraine 535
Kikuyu people 10
Kilimanjaro 10, 13, 174
killer whales 567
kinetic energy 186
kinetic theory 406
kinetoscope 177
kingfishers 175
King Kong 359
King, Martin Luther Jr. 122,
258, 264, 301
Kingsley, Charles 551
Kingsley, Mary 200
King’s Men 460
kites 294
kittens 102, 230
kiwis 375
Klondike gold rush 92
knights 38, 99, 302-303, 341
knorrs 553
Knossos, Crete 401
Kodak camera 404
Kollontai, Alexandra 492
Komodo Dragon 323 , 437
Kon Tiki 387
Koran 288, 361, 430
Korea 40, 304
see also North Korea; South
Korean War 128, 304, 305 , 548
Kosovo 196, 486, 487
Krakatoa 554
Kremlin 446
krill 389, 414, 415
Kruger National Park 475
Kublai Khan 200, 352
Kuiper belt 409, 410
Kurds 283
Kurile Islands 42
Kuwait 347, 348
Kwakiutl people 368
Kyrgyz nomads 110
Kyushu, Japan 294, 295
laboratories 73
Labor Day 258
Labor Movement 306
Laboulaye, Edouard de 505
lacewings 280
lacquers 449
Lada cars 449
ladybugs 70
Lafayette, Marquis de 21
Lagos, Nigeria 562
Lake District, England 537
lakes 307-309
Africa 13, 174, 563
Asia 42
dry 56, 58
Europe 284, 285, 448, 452,
488, 489, 512
North America 93
oxbow 438
South America 476
wildlife 307-308
Lalibela, king of Ethiopia 172
lammergeier 358
lampreys 206
land reclamation 324
languages 310
alphabets 20
Catalan 498
in China 116
English 310
Hebrew 289, 299
in India 40
old UK languages 537
in Russian Federation 447
Spanish 256, 310
lantern fish 155
Laos 482
Lapland 452
larynx 326 , 354
Lascaux, France 104
lasers 456, 457
laser surgery 513
Last Supper 118, 297
Latin 310
Latvia 62 , 191
Laurasia 145
laurel wreaths 88
lava 169, 173, 441, 554
Lavoisier, Antoine 113
law 311-312
laws 140
and labor 306
lawyers 312
Lazarus, Emma 505
LCD (liquid crystal display) 89,
405, 519
lead 442
leaf-cutting ants 29
leaf litter 216
leaf roller ants 217
League of Nations 542
Leakey family 31
leap years 522
leaves 227, 411, 530
Lebanon 348, 403, 508
Le Corbusier 121
leeches 339, 577
Lee, Robert E. 124
Leeuwenhoek, Anton van 339
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