Acquisitions Incorporated
l'H It takes the replica modrons 5 rounds to reassemble the station. As they make progress, the hum from the s tation intensifie ...
Development. If the characters release Stevie. the modron is grateful for the rescue and happy to share its story. The construct ...
136 BUSINESS ls EXPANDING Having a small castle estate in Phandalin is cool. But having a lighthouse on the Sword Coast might be ...
TRAVELING TO LUSKAN The City of Sails is located far to the north of the Sword Coast, and the journey there can be as eventful a ...
A sharp, icy wind whistles through South Gate as you enter Luskan. The shops and taverns lining the main thoroughfare of the Cit ...
find their ways to buyers. A result of^15 or higher on this check also imparts that like most fixers, Eriss is hesitant to engag ... The interior of the Fishbone Tavern is cramped and shadowy. Only two of the eight tables are occupied, one by two fishers a ...
TALK FIRST, FIGHT LATER? When the characters approach the Peg and Hook, first decide whether their previous investigation has al ...
for being a traitor to Dran Ente rprises. fn combat, Aria's shortsword attacks take the form of either her sharpened leg hook or ...
each consisting of four guards and four mastiffs. Crates and equipment piled along the docks can provide cover, potentially allo ...
exception, bringing the characters back automatically.) Eventually, the characters find the portal leading to Oran Enterprises' ...
As soon as the chaos quadrapod is killed or sent back through the door. the unstable magic of this portal draws the characters b ...
D llGORll 0E£ PFOR GE new life for herself, Dagdra makes an excellent potential employee for the franchise. If the characters di ...
to navigate the treacherous waters. If the check fails, the ship shudders as it grinds against rocks. and each crea- ture on boa ...
Even as your group reaches the aft portal, you see an- other group appea r through the foredeck portal. Five humans surround a t ...
maining) are trying to reach the captain but face twelve zombies in their way (or half that number if the hammer was abandoned). ...
B A RGE CONTENTS successfully cross them. See the Barge Contents table Barge Merchandise Complication for more information. 1 Pr ...
of assisting Dran Enterprises staff. He might ask what aspirations they have, or what it's like working for Omin Dran and Jim Da ...
scouts and one cult fana tic). If all those foes were killed in that encounter, Szorrulax has two bandits with it-a pair of guar ...
FRANCHISE HEADQUARTERS UPGRADES All the characters' hard work and luck to date is about to pay off in the form of headquarters u ...
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