Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Mid-Chapter Quiz MathXL® for School
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Do y o u k n o w H OW?
Find each sum or difference.







-1 0
2 5
-4 3

Find each product.

  1. -2

30 -1 3

  1. 3
    2 1 02

Tell whether each histogram is uniform, symmetric,
or skewed.

Interval nterva

  1. Gymnast ics A gymnast's scores from his tryouts
    are listed below. Make a frequency table and a
    histogram that represent the data.
    8.8 9.1 3.5 6.9 7.3 9.6 9.0 5.7 7.2 4.3 8.9 9.5

8. Bask et b al l A basketball player’s points per game are
listed below. Make a cumulative frequency table that
represents the data.
16 8 19 12 9 10 11 9 12 23 5 20 13 6 17

  1. Music The hours per week that a school band
    practiced are listed below. What are the mean,
    median, mode, and range of their practice times?
    Which measure of central tendency best describes
    their practice times?
    759746 10 857873 12 15 13 8

Identify the minimum, first quartile, median, third
quartile, and maximum of each data set. Then make a
box-and-whisker plot of each data set.

  1. daily visitors: 34 29 32 25 97 93 112 108 90

  2. commute (mi): 8 33 28 7 42 9 30 38 22 6 37

  3. M ovies Of the ratings for ten movies, eight ratings
    are less than or equal to 7. What is the percentile
    rank of a rating of 7?

Determine whether each data set is qualitative
or quantitative.

  1. favorite books 14. prices of DVDs

  2. Business A software business e-mails every
    thousandth name on an e-mail list to find out what
    software the people are using. Is the survey plan
    random, systematic, or stratified? Will it give a good
    sample? Explain.


  1. Reasoning When you compare two sets of data, will
    the set with the greater interquartile range always
    have the greater range? Explain and give an example.

  2. Writ ing When is each measure of central tendency
    most useful?

  3. Erro r Analysis A student
    wrote the matrix equation
    at the right. Describe and
    correct the mistake.

  4. Open- Ended Describe a problem that you could
    solve by conducting a survey. Write an unbiased
    survey question, and explain how to choose a good
    sample for your survey.

  5. Reasoning Which measure of central tendency
    would be most appropriate for qualitative data?
    Explain your answer.

v. J

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