Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
English Spanish

Quadratic parent function (p. 546) The simplest
quadratic function f{x) = x2 or y = x2

Funcion cuadratica m adre (p. 546) La funcion cuadratica
mas simple f(x)=x2 o y = x2.
Example y = xz is the parent function for
the family of quadratic equations
of the form y = ax2 + bx + c.

Qualitative (p. 753)

Data that name qualities are Cualitativo (p. 753)

Los datos que indican cualidades son

Example The data red, blue, red, green,
blue, and blue are qualitative data.

Quantitative (p. 753) Data that measure quantity and can
be described numerically are quantitative.

Cuantitativo (p. 753) Los datos que miden cantidades y
pueden ser descritos numericamente son cuantitativos.
Example The data 5 ft, 4 ft, 7 ft, 4 ft, 8 ft,
and 10 ft are quantitative.

Quantity (p. 4)
or counted.

Anything that can be measured Cantidad (p. 4)

Cualquier cosa que se puede medir o

Example A dozen is another way to describe
a quantity of 12 eggs.

Quartile (p. 746) A quartile is a value that separates a
finite data set into four equal parts. The second quartile (Q2)
is the median of the data set. The first and third quartiles
(Qi and Q3) are the medians of the lower half and upper
half of the data, respectively.

Cuartil (p. 746) Un cuartil es el valor que separa un
conjunto de datos finitos en cuatro partes iguales. El segundo
cuartil (Q2) es la mediana del conjunto de datos. El primer
cuartil y el tercer cuartil (Qt y Q3) son medianas de la mitad
inferior y de la mitad superior de los datos, respectivamente.
Example For the data set 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6 , 7,
7, the first quartile is 3.5, the
second quartile (or median) is 5,
and the third quartile is 6.5.

Radical (p. 16) An expression made up of a radical symbol
and a radicand.

Example Va

Radical (p. 16) Expresion compuesta por un sfmbolo radical
y un radicando.

Radical equation (p. 633) An equation that has a variable
in a radicand.

Example Vx - 2 = 12
Vx = 14
{Vx)2 = 142
x = 196

Radical expression (p. 619) Expression that contains
a radical.

Ecuacion radical (p. 633) Ecuacion que tiene una variable
en un radicando.

Expresion radical (p. 619) Expresiones que contienen
Example V3, V5x, and Vx - 10 are
examples of radical expressions.


Po w er A l g eb r m Glossary^849

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