Grade 1 - Early world Civilizations

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Early World Civilizations: Supplemental Guide 15A | Christianity 257

According to the Bible,^4 on the third day after Jesus died, he
rose from the dead and came back to life. Christians believe that
Jesus died so that his followers might also experience life after
death and forgiveness for their sins or wrongdoings. This miracle
is why Christians all around the world celebrate Easter.^5
So, now that you know why today is so special, come along to
church with me. I have some things I’d like to show you.
 Show image 15A-5: Church
This is my church. Some of my friends go to a chapel, which
is a small church, and others go to a great big cathedral. You
could say my church is medium-sized. You can tell it is a Christian
church because of the cross on the top.^6
 Show image 15A-6: Cross
The cross is an important symbol of the Christian faith because
Christians believe that Jesus died on a cross so, according to my
religion, we could live with him forever.
 Show image 15A-7: Cross with purple drape
During Holy Week, the week before Easter, the cross is draped
in a purple cloth to remember the miracle of Jesus’ resurrection, or
his rising from the dead and coming back to life. Today, I will place
fl owers on the cross as a symbol of rebirth and eternal 7 life.
 Show image 15A-8: Bible with lilies
Let’s go inside. The church is full of Easter lilies today.^8 The
minister, priest, or pastor gives a sermon, or talk, every Sunday.^9
He reads from the Bible, our holy book.^10 Part of our Bible, the
Old Testament, contains the same books of Jewish scriptures.^11
But today’s readings will come from the New Testament. It is full
of stories about the life of Jesus, including today’s story of the
Resurrection.^12 After we sing some special Easter songs and
hymns, musicians with big brass instruments will play and join in
with their loud and joyous praise!

5 A miracle is an extraordinary and
nearly unbelievable event, usually
thought to be brought about by

6 [Point to the cross in the

7 or everlasting

8 [Point to the lilies in the picture.]

9 Minister, priest, and pastor are
diff erent names for Christian
church leaders.

10 [Point to the Bible in the picture.]

11 Who remembers what the Hebrew
scriptures are called? (Torah)

12 The Christian Bible combines what
Christians call the Old Testament,
which includes the Hebrew Torah,
and the New Testament, which is
about Jesus and his followers.

4 or the Christians’ holy book

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