Visualizing Environmental Science

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Index 481

Carbon cycle, 106–107, 107f, 122
Carbon dioxide, 197
in the atmosphere, 223t
country emission estimates, 238, 238t
effects of increase in, 42, 42f
Carbon management, 229
Carbon monoxide, 197
Carbon oxides, 197
Carcinogen, 86
Carnivores, 102, 102f
Carrying capacity, 39, 163
and population growth, 162–164, 163f,
163t, 167
of rangeland, 333, 334
Carson, Rachel, 26, 54–55, 55f
Cascade Range, Washington State, 340f
Catskill Mountains, New York, 260f
Cellular respiration, 101
Certified organic, 368
Chad, 251
Chandi Chowk bazaar (Delhi, India), 420f
Chaparral, 137, 137f, 137t, 138
Chattanooga, Tennessee, 212, 212f
Chemical accidents, 412
Chernobyl, Ukraine, 434, 435f
Chiapas, Mexico, 234f
Chicago, Illinois, 8, 8f
child labor, 38f, 176f
pollution sensitivity of, 89
value on gender of, 176, 177
acid deposition in, 234
air pollution in, 208–209, 208f
aquaculture in, 41
biogas digesters in, 450
endangered species in, 3t
environmental education in, 58f
high-sulfur coal in, 234f
hydropower in, 454
Jiangxi, 81f
Lianoning Province, 208f
Lingwu, 257f
Liuzhou, Guangxi, 268f
Loess Plateau, 44, 44f
Manchuria, 190
Mount Hua, 203, 203f
population and population density of,
rare earth metals in, 304
renewable energy in, 48t
sandstorm in, 194f
scrap imports by, 404
Shanxi Province, 421f
Sichuan Province landslide, 300
Three Gorges Dam, 269, 269f, 454f, 455
water pollution in, 268, 268f
Wolong Nature Reserve, 343f
Yellow River, 251
Yongchuan, Chongqing, 118f
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), 231, 233
Chronic bronchitis, 201

Brandt, Willy, 38
Amazonas State, 167f
Amazon Basin, 342f
Ariquemes, 227f
Atlantic forest, 32f
Curitiba, 186f
deforestation, 331f
deforestation in, 330
ethanol consumption, 451
population and population density of,
poverty in, 5f
Roraima State, 40f
Bridalveil Fall, Yosemite National Park,
British Columbia, Canada, 13f
Broad-spectrum pesticides, 364–365
Brown, Lester R., 36
Brownfields, 182, 182f, 183f
Built-up areas, 131f
Burma (Myanmar), 392f
Bush, George W., 292
Bycatch, 286

Cabeza Prieta Wilderness, Arizona, 339f
Cabin Creek, West Virginia, 422f
Cades Cove, Great Smoky Mountains
National Park, Tennessee, 337f
Cahn, Robert, 34
Bayview Hunters Point, San Francisco,
chaparral, 137f
Culver City, 137t
goats and wildfire prevention, 138
Hetch Hetchy Valley, Yosemite
National Park, 53f
Joshua Tree National Park, 60f
Kern County, 428
Los Angeles, 204, 204f
Sierra Nevada Mountains, 372,
solar thermal electric generation, 448f
Yosemite National Park, 323f
Cambodia, 38f
Cameroon, 37f
boreal forest, 329, 329f
British Columbia, 13f
Fort Smith, 133t
Ontario, 68f, 77, 247t
Saskatchewan, 133f
Yukon, 190
Cancer, 76
lung, 76, 76f, 88f, 210
malignant melanoma, 233
Cancer-causing substances, 86–87
Cap and trade, 67, 68
Captive breeding, 389f

Biodiversity. See Biological diversity
Biodiversity hotspots, 380, 381f
Biofuels, 357
Biogas, 450
Biogas digesters, 450, 451f
Biogeochemical cycles, 106
carbon cycle, 106–107, 107f
forests’ role in, 325
hydrologic cycle, 107–109, 108f
nitrogen cycle, 109–110, 109f
phosphorus cycle, 111–113, 112f
sulfur cycle, 110–111, 111f
Biological controls, 366
Biological diversity (biodiversity), 39, 375,
375f–376f. See also Species
declining, 379–381, 381f
hotspots, 380
in land cover, 131f
levels of, 375f
loss of, 39–40
need for, 375–376
threats to, 383f
Biological magnification, 82t, 83, 365,
Biological nitrogen fixation, 361
Biological oxygen demand, 258
Biomagnification, 82f
Biomass energy, 450–451, 450f, 451f
Biomes, 128–142, 128f, 129f
boreal forest, 133, 133f, 133t
chaparral, 137, 137f, 137t, 138
climate factors shaping, 129f
desert, 138–139, 139f, 139t
savanna, 140, 140f, 140t
temperate deciduous forest, 135, 135f,
temperate grassland, 136, 136f, 136t
temperate rain forest, 134, 134f, 134t
terrestrial, 128f
tropical rain forest, 140–142, 141f, 141t
tundra, 132, 132f, 132t
vegetation types, 130f–131f
Biosphere, 99
Biotic environment, 98
Biotic potentials, 161
Birmensdorf, Switzerland, 198f
Birth rates, 165, 170, 171f, 172
Black Forest, Germany, 235, 236f
Blast furnaces, 305f
Bleaching, 42f, 289, 289f
Bluefin tuna, 272–273, 273t
Eduardo Avaroa Andean Fauna
National Reserve, 50f
Madidi National Park, 342f
Bonneville Dam, Columbia River, 255f
Boreal forests, 133, 133f, 133t, 329, 329f
Borneo, Malaysia, 331f
Boston, Massachusetts, 450
Botswana, 119f
Bottom ash, 402
Brackish ecosystems, 146–147, 146f

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