Visualizing Environmental Science

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Index 489

Primary treatment (sewage), 265, 265f
Prime farmland, 355
Prince William Sound, Alaska, 428, 429f
Principle of inherent safety, 412
Producers, 101
in ecosystems, 105–106, 105f
primary, 132
Profundal zone, 143
Proxy Falls, Cascade Range, 221f
Public Rangelands Improvement Act
(1978), 335
Puerto Rico
aquaculture, 287f
climate change in, 228f
El Yunque National Forest, 141f
Pyramids of energy, 105
Pyramids of numbers, 105, 105f

Queensland, Australia, 247f

Radiative forcing, 224, 225t
Radioactive waste disposal, 22
Radioactive wastes, 436–438
Radon, 210–211, 210f
Rain forests
as global issue, 15f
temperate, 134, 134t
tropical, 39, 129f, 140–142, 141f, 329,
330, 379, 380
Rain shadow, 221, 221f
Range (of species), 378
Rangelands, 333–335, 333f
Rare earth metals, 304
Reactor core, 432
Realized niche, 113, 114f
Reclamation, soil, 296, 314, 316
exports of scrap, 404
of old cars, 396
of paper, 406
solid waste, 396, 396f–397f, 405–408,
water, 256
environmental impacts of, 307–308
petroleum, 424f
Reforestation, 389f
Refuse-derived fuel incinerators, 403
Religious values, population growth and,
176, 177
Renewable energy resources, 442–464
deep geothermal energy, 456, 457f
direct solar, 444–449
geothermal energy, 456–457
indirect solar, 450–455
tidal energy, 457
Renewable resources, 7

Pesticides, 72, 358, 364, 366f
alternatives to, 366–367, 367t
benefits of, 364
concentrations of, 191t
contamination by, 358
mobility of, 83f
problems with, 364–366
Pests, 364
Petrochemicals, 424
Petroleum, 423. See also Oil
Pheromones, 366
Dimakay Island, 148f
Manila, 43f
Mount Pinatubo, 199f, 225f, 299
smoking in, 88f
Phosphorus cycle, 111–113, 112f
Photochemical smog, 110, 201, 202, 202f,
Photodegradable plastic, 401
Photosynthesis, 100–101, 101f, 106
Photovoltaic (PV) solar cells, 445–447,
446f, 447f
Phytoplankton, 142, 282
Pinchot, Gifford, 52
Pioneer community, 152
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 183f
Plan B 2.0 (Lester R. Brown), 36
Plankton, 142, 280
Plasma torch, 413
Plastic, in sanitary landfills, 398f, 401
Plate boundaries, 298, 298f, 299f
Plate tectonics, 298–301
Poaching, 385
Point source pollution, 261, 261f
Polar easterlies, 195
Polar ice caps, 15f, 216, 217t, 226t
Polar molecules, 244
Pollutants. See also Hazardous waste
air, 108, 206–209, 212
determining health effects of, 85–89
global distillation effect, 190
persistent organic, 84, 84t
primary and secondary, 196
Polluted runoff, 261, 262
Pollution, 63. See also specific types, e.g.,
Water pollution
acceptable amount of, 5, 66
children’s sensitivity to, 89
economic view of, 65–67
and environmental justice, 35–36
as global issue, 15f
from incinerators, 402
marginal cost of, 66, 66f
optimum amount of, 67
and species endangerment, 382
Pollution control
costs and benefits of, 64–65
economic strategies for, 67
through legislation, 61
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), 411,

Polyculture, 354
Ponds, 142–144
Population(s), 4, 98, 160, 160f
characteristics of, 160
evolution of, 147–150
size changes in, 161. See also Population
stabilizing, 38–39, 174–180
world, 165
The Population Bomb (Ehrlich), 55
Population crash, 164, 164t
Population ecology, 160–164
Population growth, 4, 5t, 158–188
and carrying capacity, 162–164, 167
and consumption, 6–7, 9–11
demographics of countries, 170–174
exponential, 162, 162f, 162t
human population patterns, 165–167,
168f–169f, 169t
limits on, 148
maximum, 161, 162
population ecology, 160–164
and poverty, 5f, 9, 38, 39
projecting, 166–167, 166f
stabilizing world populations, 174–180
and technological advances, 55
and urbanization, 181–186
and water shortage, 248, 250
and world hunger, 350–352, 351f
zero, 166
Population growth momentum, 173
Portland, Oregon, 184
Potential energy, 100, 100f
Poverty, 4
eliminating, 38
and food insecurity, 40
and food problems, 352
and population growth, 5f, 9, 38, 39
Power plants. See also specific types, e.g.,
Coal-fired power plants
air pollutants from, 200
carbon capture, 229, 230f
Precautionary principle, 90–92
Precipitation, 220, 221
acid rain, 61, 234, 237–238
and air pollution, 203f
average monthly, 132t–137t, 139t–141t
and climate, 218
rain shadow, 221f
Predation, 119, 119f
Predator–prey interactions, 119–120
Prescribed burning, 154
Preservation, 50
Preston County, West Virginia, 306f
Prevailing winds, 195
Pribilof Islands, Alaska, 164, 164f
Primary air pollutants, 196, 196f, 200,
Primary consumers, 101–102, 102f
Primary productivity, 132
Primary sludge, 265
Primary succession, 152–153, 152f
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