Visualizing Environmental Science

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Index 491

Three Gorges Dam, China, 269, 269f,
454f, 455
Three Mile Island, Pennsylvania, 434
Threshold level, 86
Tidal energy, 456, 457
Tidal pool communities, 99f
Tides, 457
Tillage, 314
Times Square, New York, 9f
Tires, recycling, 402f, 406, 408
Tokyo, Japan, 13f
Tongass National Forest, Alaska, 344,
Topography, 309
and air pollution, 202–204, 203f
and precipitation, 221
and soil formation, 309
Total fertility rate (TFR), 170, 175–177
Toxicants, 77, 81–83
Toxicity, 77
Toxicology, 77
Toxic waste. See Hazardous waste
Tradable permits, 67, 68
Trade winds, 195
Transform plate boundaries, 299, 299f
Transpiration, 324
Transportation, urban, 43, 184
Tree harvesting, 326, 327f, 344
Trickle irrigation, 256
Trophic level, 103, 103f
Tropical climates, 218f
Tropical dry forest, 140, 141, 329, 330
Tropical forests, 330
Tropical rain forests, 129f, 140–142, 141f,
declining biodiversity in, 379, 380
deforestation, 329
loss of, 39
Troposphere, 193f
Tsunamis, 300
Tundra, 129f, 132, 132t
Turneffe Atoll, Belize, 19f
Turnovers, 143

Ukraine, 434, 435f
Ultraviolet (UV) radiation, 231
Undernutrition, 350
United Kingdom, 13f, 26t
U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea
(UNCLOS), 291
U.N. Fish Stocks Agreement, 291
U.N. International Maritime Organization
International Convention for the
Prevention of Pollution from Ships
(MAR-POL), 287, 288
U.N. World Commission on Environment
and Development, 28
United Nations Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change (IPCC), 222,

extinction of, 378, 379f
invasive, 338, 384–385, 384f
keystone, 121, 122
number of, 374
in tropical rain forests, 141
Species richness, 374–376, 374f–376f,
Spent fuel, 434, 436, 436f
Spoil bank, 304
Standing-water ecosystems, 142
Stationary sources (pollutants), 200
Steam generators, 432
Stegner, Wallace, 54
Stockholm Convention on Persistent
Organic Pollutants, 84
Storage (decommissioned nuclear
plants), 438
Stratosphere, 193f
Streams, 142, 144, 237, 237f
Strip cropping, 314
Strip mining, 304, 304f, 422
Subduction, 299
Sublethal dose, 85
Subsidence, 248
Subsidies, 291
for ethanol, 451
for fishing industry, 291
Subsistence agriculture, 354
Subsurface mining, 304, 305, 305f, 422
Succession, 151–153
primary, 152–153, 152f
secondary, 153, 153f
Sulfides, 302
Sulfur cycle, 110–111, 111f
Sulfur dioxide, 235
Sulfur emissions, 68
Sulfur oxides, 197
Summer Olympics (2004, Athens,
Greece), 100f
Sun plantations, 380
Superfund Act. See Comprehensive Envi-
ronmental Response, Compensa-
tion, and Liability Act (CERCLA)
Superfund National Priorities List,
Surface mining, 304, 304f, 422, 422f
Surface Mining Control and Reclamation
Act (1977), 308, 422
Surface waters, 245
overdrawing, 249–250
seepage of, 246, 246f
Sustainability, 12–15, 26–45
and ecosystem changes, 98
and environmental justice, 35–36
overall plan for, 36–43
values in solving problems of, 31–34
Sustainable agriculture, 360–362, 360f,
Sustainable cities, 43
Sustainable consumption, 28–30
Sustainable development, 28, 28f
Sustainable forestry, 325–326

Sustainable soil use, 312
Sustainable water use, 254
Swamps, 142, 145, 145f
Sweden, 34f, 343f
Switzerland, 198f
Symbiosis, 116, 117f
Synergy, 87–88
Systems perspective, 55

Taiga, 133. See also Boreal forests
Tailings, 307, 307f
Tallgrass prairies, 136
Tambopata River, Peru, 144f
Tantalum, 317, 317f
commensalism, 117f
Kilimanjaro National Park, 140f
locust swarms in, 361
used clothing market, 417f
TAO/TRITON array, 277
Taxes, environmental, 67
Taylor Grazing Act (1934), 335
Taylors Falls, Minnesota, 32f
Temperate deciduous forest, 130f, 135,
135f, 135t
Temperate grassland, 136, 136f, 136t
Temperate rain forests, 134, 134f, 134t
average monthly, 132t–137t,
and climate, 218
mean annual global, 222t. See also
Climate change
ocean, 290
Temperature inversion, 202, 204
Cades Cove, Great Smoky Mountains
National Park, 337f
Chattanooga, 212, 212f
Copper Basin, 296, 296f–297f, 308
Kingsport, 35f
Kingston, 418, 418f–419f
Nashville, 135t
Terracing, 314, 315f
Terrestrial biomes, 128f
Tertiary consumers, 102, 102f
Tertiary treatment (sewage), 266
Texas, 35
Thailand, 33f
Theory(ies), 18
Thermal stratification, 143
Thermodynamics, 100
first law of, 100
second law of, 101
Thermosphere, 193f
Thoreau, Henry David, 51, 52
Threatened species, 378, 390f
human causes of, 382, 384–386
protecting, 393, 393f
in the U.S., 390t
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