A Separate Peace online book
until at last we came. Then Brownie crept back to the dormitory, too exhausted to enjoy the carnival at all. On this day of high ...
Gibraltar invulnerability; he continued to gaze challengingly around him until he began to realize that wherever he looked, calc ...
I jerked the jug to my mouth and took a huge gulp of cider in relief, and the violence latent in the day drifted away; perhaps t ...
And it was this which caused me not to notice Brownie Perkins rejoin us from the dormitory, and not to hear what he was saying u ...
seemingly near no town whatever, a bus station in which none of the people were fully awake, or seemed clean, or looked as thoug ...
“Well, it’s a useful room.” “Yes, I guess it’s useful, all right.” “You aren’t lost for something to do in dining rooms. It’s in ...
“I didn’t get any pass,” he groaned; with the sliding despair of his face and his clenched hands, that’s what it was; a groan. “ ...
expression you’ve got on your face, like you were looking at someone with their nose blown off but don’t want them to know you’r ...
Mrs. Lepellier was helping Leper toward the stairs. “Don’t go,” he said between chuckles, “stay for lunch. You can count on it. ...
We walked on, the crust cracking uneasily under us. “Nervous in the service,” I said. “That sounds like one of Brinker’s poems.” ...
us up every morning when it was pitch black, and there was food like the kind we throw out here, and all my clothes were gone an ...
I turned around and began a clumsy run across the field in a line which avoided his house and aimed toward the road leading back ...
drum beat, in the continuous flow of his walk, as though with each step he forgot for a split- second where he was going. “How’s ...
“Yes, I think so.” “Thank God.” “What?” “I said that’s good.” “Yes, I guess it is. I guess that’s good, all right.” After dinner ...
“He panicked.” I didn’t say anything. “He must be out of his mind,” said Brinker energetically, “to do a thing like that. I’ll b ...
There was little left at Devon any more which had not been recruited for the war. The few stray activities and dreamy people not ...
it and unless we start acting perfectly natural about it, even kid him about it once in a while, he never will.” “You’re so wron ...
“This part is pretty interesting,” I said, “if I understand it right. About a surprise attack.” “Read me that.” “Well let’s see. ...
believed you,” he added hurriedly, “but you’re the nervous type, you know, and I thought maybe your imagination got a little inf ...
Brinker and three cohorts came with much commotion into our room at 10:05 p.m. that night. “We’re taking you out,” he said flatl ...
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