A Separate Peace online book
I turned around and began a clumsy run across the field in a line which avoided his house and aimed toward the road leading back ...
drum beat, in the continuous flow of his walk, as though with each step he forgot for a split- second where he was going. “How’s ...
“Yes, I think so.” “Thank God.” “What?” “I said that’s good.” “Yes, I guess it is. I guess that’s good, all right.” After dinner ...
“He panicked.” I didn’t say anything. “He must be out of his mind,” said Brinker energetically, “to do a thing like that. I’ll b ...
There was little left at Devon any more which had not been recruited for the war. The few stray activities and dreamy people not ...
it and unless we start acting perfectly natural about it, even kid him about it once in a while, he never will.” “You’re so wron ...
“This part is pretty interesting,” I said, “if I understand it right. About a surprise attack.” “Read me that.” “Well let’s see. ...
believed you,” he added hurriedly, “but you’re the nervous type, you know, and I thought maybe your imagination got a little inf ...
Brinker and three cohorts came with much commotion into our room at 10:05 p.m. that night. “We’re taking you out,” he said flatl ...
The Assembly Hall was used for large lectures, debates, plays, and concerts; it had the worst acoustics in the school. I couldn’ ...
“I told Brinker this morning,” I began in a voice treacherously shaking, “that I thought this was the worst—” “And I said,” Brin ...
This touched an interesting point Phineas had been turning over in his mind for a long time. I could tell that because the obsti ...
“Of course Finny was in the tree,” I said. But I couldn’t make the confusion last, “and I was down at the bottom, or climbing th ...
No one said anything. Phineas had been sitting motionless, leaning slightly forward, not far from the position in which we praye ...
“So you couldn’t ...” I began before I could stop myself. There was a short pause during which every ear and no eyes were direct ...
“Then they both moved.” “How did they move?” “They moved,” now Leper was smiling, a charming and slightly arch smile, like a chi ...
The words shocked Phineas into awareness. He whirled as though being attacked from behind. “You get the rest of the facts, Brink ...
would have been one of those carrying the chair, saying something into his ear as we went along. My aid alone had never seemed t ...
engine of Dr. Stanpole’s car when it turned over with special reluctance, and a thin, lonely whistling the wind sometimes made h ...
stomach and I could feel my face getting more and more flushed; I dug my teeth into my fist to try to gain control and then I no ...
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