The Rise of Industrial-Organizational Psychology 371
teachers (Koppes, 1997; Koppes, Landy, & Perkins, 1993;
Perloff & Naman, 1996).
In 1919, H. E. Burtt joined the faculty at Ohio State
University, and along with psychometric specialist H. Toops
formed the first doctoral specialization in industrial psy-
chology after the one at Carnegie Institute of Technology
(Katzell & Austin, 1992). In addition to Ohio State and
Carnegie Tech, institutions that produced industrially ori-
ented doctorates during the 1920s included the University of
Minnesota and Stanford University. In 1930, Pennsylvania
State College (now University) offered a doctorate in I-O
psychology under B. V. Moore. Throughout the 1930s, addi-
tional universities trained students who were oriented toward
I-O careers, including Purdue University, Columbia Univer-
sity, and New York University. Katzell and Austin (1992)
noted that specialization in I-O psychology during these early
years consisted mostly of a student’s choice of a principal
mentor and associated research and dissertation topics.
Immediately after World War II, the number of specialized
I-O training programs escalated, including the creation of
terminal master’s programs. Existing programs, such as the
one at Ohio State University, were expanded, and new pro-
grams were created (George Washington University in 1948,
University of Maryland in 1961, Michigan State University
in 1951) (Katzell & Austin, 1992). Additional new doctoral
programs were established during the 1960s, such as those at
Bowling Green State University in 1965, North Carolina
State University in 1966, and the University of Akron in 1968
(Katzell & Austin, 1992).
Programs in specialized I-O psychology and related fields
have proliferated in the past 30 years, which indicates contin-
ued progression in the discipline. The 1989 SIOPGraduate
Training Programs in Industrial/Organizational Psychology
and Organizational Behavior (Society for Industrial and
Organizational Psychology, Inc., 1989) lists 51 doctoral pro-
grams and 36 master’s programs in psychology departments,
and 46 doctoral programs and 8 master’s programs in busi-
ness or related departments. The 1998 SIOPGraduate Train-
ing Programs in Industrial-Organizational Psychology and
Related Fields(Society for Industrial and Organizational Psy-
chology, Inc., 1998a) lists 62 doctoral programs and 70 mas-
ter’s programs in psychology departments, and 35 doctoral
programs and 9 master’s degree programs in business and re-
lated departments.
SIOP members have discussed several education and
training issues, such as standards, accreditation, master’s
education/training, postdoctoral training, internships, and
continuing education for licensure. Programs in I-O psychol-
ogy are not accredited; however, SIOP created competency-
based guidelines according to a scientist-practitioner model.
The documents are titled the Guidelines for Education and
Training at the Master’s Level in Industrial/Organizational
Psychology(Society for Industrial and Organizational Psy-
chology, Inc., 1995) and the Guidelines for Education and
Training at the Doctoral Level in Industrial/Organizational
Psychology(Society for Industrial and Organizational Psy-
chology, Inc., 1998b). Challenges about maintaining the
scientist-practitioner model in a highly diverse and special-
ized field were expressed recently (Downey, 2000). In addi-
tion, concerns were raised about the future of I-O psychology
programs because many academic I-O psychologists are
seeking employment in business schools rather than psychol-
ogy departments due to higher salaries for business-related
faculty appointments (DeNisi, 2000; Downey, 2000).
When I-O psychology emerged, almost all psychologists
were employed in academia, and psychologists who did ap-
plied work did so on a part-time basis. Some academic psy-
chologists pursued part-time consulting work to supplement
their meager academic salaries (Goodwin, 1999). Others
sought applied work because the number of psychology
doctoral graduates quickly outgrew the number of positions in
psychology departments and laboratories. Cattell (1946)
estimated that as late as 1917 only 16 of the more than
300 members of APA were working primarily in the various
applications of psychology. Napoli (1981) revealed no full-
time I-O psychologists from 1913 through 1917; how-
ever, there were individuals practicing I-O psychology,
although their work was not labeled as such. In 1916, Walter
Dill Scott was appointed professor of applied psychology at
Carnegie Institute of Technology, the first appointment by that
title in academia (Landy, 1997).
After World War I, additional employment opportunities
became available in academia, the military, government, pri-
vate industry, and consulting organizations (e.g., the U.S.
Civil Service Commission, Kaufman Department Store,
Macy’s department store, Aetna Life Insurance, U.S. Rubber
Company, Procter & Gamble, Milwaukee Electric Railway
and Light Company) (Katzell & Austin, 1992). These oppor-
tunities paved the way for employment of women psycholo-
gists who faced barriers gaining employment in academia
(Koppes, 1997). Katzell and Austin (1992) estimated that the
total number of industrial psychologists by the end of the
1920s was approximately 50.
Employment in academia slowed during the 1930s, but
employment in other areas improved. Between 1916 and
1938, the number of APA members in teaching positions in-
creased fivefold, from 233 to 1,299; however, the number of
members in applied positions grew almost 29 times, from 24
to 694 (Finch & Odoroff, 1939). In 1940, Darley and Berdie