Converting to an Electric Vehicle
We cut studs, 6 x 6 floor joists, 10 x 10 beams – some of them up to 20 feet long, 19 foot roof trusses and 12 inch wide roof bo ...
Finally, we were warm and happy and we lived in the house like that for three years. During those years we started a market gard ...
And we are happy. Anything is possible off grid. During slow times we work on other projects. In 1998, we built a root cellar fr ...
She unequivocally told her would-be rescuers, “I’ve lived more years than I care to remember with just my woodstove, my hand pum ...
Your Recommended Resources More Helpful Books for You Jane and I personally recommend all of these books as being helpful and we ...
Renewable Energy Solutions Guide This is the first book Jane and I wrote. The book will take you from an ordinary urban tied to ...
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It is just that easy. Passion, Learn, Do it, Write and Photograph it, Sell it! ARE YOU NEW TO AFFILIATE MARKETING? The very best ...
Setting the Record Straight about Opportunities in the Affiliate Marketing Industry I get angry every time I hear someone say th ...
Legal stuff the lawyers made me say... The information in this document is protected by one or more world wide copyright treatie ...
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