The Cure for All Cancers

(pavlina) #1


Dr. C: Removing all metal and plastic means removing all
root canals, fillings and crowns. Take out all bridge work or
partials made of metal or plastic and change them into meth-
acrylate. But you may feel quite attached to the gold, so ask the
dentist to give you everything she or he removes. Look at the
underside. You will be shocked at the corrosion.

The stench of the infection under some teeth may be over-
whelming as they are pulled. Clostridium gases are particularly
offensive. Bad breath in the morning is due to such hidden tooth
infections, not a deficiency of mouthwash!
All metal must come out, no matter how glossy it looks on
the surface. Metal does not belong in your body. It is toxic to
your metabolism and your immunity. Do this as soon as you

The top surfaces of tooth fillings are kept glossy by brushing (you
swallow some of what is removed). Underneath is tarnish and foul-
ness. Ask to see your crowns when they are removed.
Fig. 26 Tops and bottoms of some metal crowns.
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