DNA and RNA and stays stuck for 84 days.^72 It produces
mainly tumors of the liver, gallbladder, lung, and urinary blad-
der (particularly papillomas here). A single dose causes cancer
in newborn mice.^73 Most azo dyes were taken out of the food
market because of their carcinogenicity but now are present
everywhere in trace amounts, detected by the Syncrometer.
A Little DAB Can Do You In
p-dimethylaminoazobenzene (DAB ) is even more carcino-
genic than Sudan IV or AAT. One researcher stated βFor effi-
cient tumor induction DAB has generally been fed to rats in the
diet at a level of about 0.06%...β^74 This led to as much as 100%
tumor induction in as little as six months!
At one time it was allowed as a butter colorant, hence its
popular name Butter Yellow. I find every patient blood test that
shows an elevated alkaline phosphatase has an accumulation of
DAB in the vital organs and in their fat reservoir.
(^72) Lawson, T.A., The Effect of Prolonged Feeding of Ortho-Aminoazotoluene on
Binding To Cellular Constituents in Mouse Liver, Chem-biol. Interact., v. 2, 1970,
pp. 9-16.
(^73) Some aromatic azo compounds, IARC Monographs, v. 8, 1974, p. 66.
(^74) Greenstein, J.P., Haddow, A., eds., Advances In Cancer Research v I, Academic
Press Inc., 1953. Miller, J.A., Miller, E.C., The Carcinogenic Aminoazo Dyes, p. 342.