brane. Old cholesterol must constantly be disposed of, and new
cholesterol made. A healthy cholesterol level of “two hundred-
plus-your-age” was established decades ago for Americans. It is
not less true now, despite the current emphasis on cholesterol
lowering. Cholesterol levels that are too high (over 300) will
come down automatically as liver health is improved, as the
thyroid level comes up, and as liver blockages are removed with
As soon as you are well enough to do a liver cleanse, you
may use this to improve a high cholesterol. Do not eat choles-
terol-reduced foods nor take cholesterol-lowering drugs when
recovering from cancer. Remember that high cholesterol and
triglycerides are evidence that part of your metabolism is still
working well. A too-low cholesterol will come up automatically
as liver health improves.
The sugar, fat and cholesterol content of your blood tells
you the state of your nutrition. Are you a well-fed specimen or
barely getting by? Now, more than ever, you need to supply
calories of the highest quality to accomplish the extra task of
healing that your body has taken on.
Sodium, potassium, and chloride are your electrolytes. So-
dium and chloride together make up familiar table salt. As you
eat it, daily, in foods, you must excrete it in exactly the same
amount so that your blood level will stay the same—near the
middle of the range. Excreting just the right amount is the job of
the kidneys and adrenal glands. When sodium and chloride lev-
els are too low, the kidneys and adrenal glands are letting too
much escape into the urine. You must assist these organs in
Five supplements are especially helpful for the adrenals
when electrolytes are too low (below the range): vitamin B 6
(500 mg a day), magnesium oxide (600 mg with each meal),