anxious calls to her home.
When she appeared she was feeling very bad again. She had received
conventional chemotherapy in the meantime. I could hardly persuade her to
even come in for testing; she was just visiting somebody.
Ortho-phospho-tyrosine, isopropyl alcohol, aflatoxin and cobalt were
Positive. She had her original problem back. She was crying and angry. She
said she stopped zapping, used no parasite herbs, and had been using regular
body products again. She had a new boyfriend and didn’t want to appear
“abnormal” to him. But she promised me personally to zap again and go
back to her disciplined life style.
From time to time somebody re-
ported she had been seen with her
children. One report sighted her in a
bar at night. Christmas passed and we
heard she was seemingly well.
Four months later, she arrived ex-
tremely ill. She did not come to see
me, but I obtained a copy of her blood
test results. She was terminal.
Soon after this we got the news,
Michelle died.
Summary: If we had a chance to
do it all over, losing another $5,000.00
worth of IV supplies, besides supple-
ments, we would gladly do it. She had
a right to live life, free of chains. She had a right to appear “normal” to a
young man of her choosing, whatever the place and time. We turned our grief
inward. Society and government had let her down.
3 Julie Cote Brain Cancer
Kevin and Julie Cote had been told in no uncertain terms by their friends
at home that they must seek out our clinic at once.
Three weeks ago Julie had a five-day headache for no reason and sud-
denly lost her memory. She couldn’t remember having had guests for supper
the previous day.
An MRI of the brain done by her doctor at home showed a mass the size
of a nickel in the right occipital lobe. It had an irregular shape, appearing
white on the print. Her doctor thought it might represent a newly reactivated
cancer since it couldn’t all have grown so suddenly.
When she arrived on February 14, her husband did the communicating
for her and steadied her along to and from her chair. She had numbness in
the tongue, lips, cheek, and left hand. (Remember, the right side of the brain
controls the left side of the body.) This made speech difficult; her vision was
Michelle Syman-
AST (SGOT) 147
LDH 771
GGT 354
T.b. 2.4
alk phos 498
albumin 3.4 (3.9-5.1)
uric acid 2.8
Calcium 8.8
Iron 101
bands 5%
other tests good