Three days later, Brian was tested again. His arm was now free of pain,
the lump was down. New tests showed solvents Negative; Mucor Negative;
copper still Positive at bone and parathyroid; mercury Positive at bone and
parathyroid; freon still Positive at bone and parathyroid. Dental work had not
been done yet.
The blood test (July 14) showed considerable improvement from the one
done in March, especially in alk phos, creatinine level, and thyroid function
(T 4 ). They had accomplished this themselves before arriving.
They left for home, returning a month later. Brian’s arm pain had not
returned; the lump was visibly smaller, nearly normal-feeling. His new Syn-
crometer tests showed: isopropyl and wood alcohol Negative; copper Posi-
tive at bone and parathyroid; mercury Positive at bone; Penicillium spores
(fungus) Positive at bone; Mucor and yeast fungi Negative at bone; freon
Positive at bone and parathyroid.
Aug. 30