tumor cells to do any work if neither the equipment (enzymes),
nor the material (amino acids), nor the fuel (ATP) are available.
The mitochondria are in a broken down condition for two
reasons: (1) constant interference by malonic acid , and (2) lack
of thyroid hormones.
Malonic acid is constantly being eaten because it occurs in
some common foods. It also trickles in from tapeworm larvae
lodged in us and from a completely unnatural source, plastic
teeth (we will discuss malonic acid later).
But the lack of thyroxine, a major thyroid hormone, is not
due to a weak thyroid gland as in an ordinary low-thyroid con-
dition. The thyroid gland makes its daily quota of thyroxine
Fig. 3 A mitochondrion
A healthy cell is a very busy place, with mitochondria (M) that use
oxygen to turn out energy, the cytoplasm (C) where glycolysis takes
place, the lysosomes (L) that tackle invading bacteria, the nucleus
(N) where your genes make the RNA that will produce your proteins,
the ribosomes (R) that stud the membranes attached to the nucleus,
where proteins are actually made.